Continuing Education Classes For Bodyworkers & Nutritionists


Synergy Health & Wellness in Bend offers classes thru the end of the year.

Cultural Competency: Size Inclusive Practice — November 27, 9am-1pm
This four-hour class and discussion examines weight bias and how it impacts the patient/provider interaction, tools to examine and overcome weight bias and stigma including paperwork, office furniture and ADA considerations, and treatment considerations for providers. This class provides four CEU Contact Hours for LMT in the State of Oregon. Before October 31, $80. After October 31, $100.

Cultural Competency: Gender and Sensitivity — December 10, 1-5pm
This four-hour cultural competency course educates participants in terminology, physiology, and sensitivity towards gender-variant individuals so you may create a more inclusive healing space in your practice. This class provides four CEU Contact hours for LMT in the State of Oregon. Before October 31, $80. After October 31, $100.

Professional Ethics for LMT — December 11, 9am-1pm
Engage in a conversation about professional and personal ethics and how they impact the LMT/client interaction. Examine aspects of business and ethics, and power differentials between client and therapist. This class satisfies four hours contact CEU in ethics for LMT in the State of Oregon. Before October 31, $100. After October 31, $120.

Classes available in person or as recorded webinar after the fact (except Ethics).

Synergy Health and Wellness helps clients of all ages build body trust and intuitive eating, helping clients improve their relationship with food, their bodies and improve their total quality of life in an environment that is respectful of health at every size. The clinic offers massage therapy, nutrition counseling and education.

To register, call 541-323-3488 or sign up online at


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