H.O.P.E. Pet Food Bank Seeks New Location in Bend, Oregon


Just over two years ago, Bend Spay+Neuter Project and Bend Pet Express partnered to open a Pet Food Bank for low-income pet owners in Central Oregon. The response was absolutely overwhelming. In just two short years, the HOPE Pet Food Bank has helped over 400 families provide 35,000 pounds of food for more than 2,000 pets.

Sadly, come September, the HOPE Pet Food Bank will need a new home. ”Bend Pet Express is proud of the work that we have done with Bend Spay and Neuter Project, over the past nine years,” said Stephanie Clanin, community events, Bend Pet Express.

“Our biggest project to date, the Help Our Pets Eat (HOPE) food bank, has grown larger than any of us thought possible. We are grateful to the community of Bend for supporting our shared mission of helping to keep people and their pets together, through difficult times. Our focus remains the same; however, our space can no longer accommodate the growing needs of both our store and HOPE. Bend Pet Express will continue our support of BSNP by procuring monthly donations for HOPE.”

Bend Spay and Neuter Project is in desperate need of a donated space in a central location so that the HOPE Pet Food Bank can continue to help local pets. A space of approximately 500-800 square feet is needed. “A donated space would be ideal and allow all donations to HOPE to be spent on food for needy pets. A central location is necessary so that it is accessible to our clients, many of whom rely on alternative forms of transportation such as biking, walking or riding the bus,” says Megan Gram, director of Bend Spay+Neuter Project.

HOPE Pet Food Bank is open the first Saturday of each month from 10am to 12pm. Qualified clients are eligible to receive enough food for one month for up to three pets. HOPE Pet Food Distributions are staffed entirely by volunteers from Bend Spay and Neuter Project and Bend Pet Express.

HOPE would not exist if it were not for the generous members of our Central Oregon community. Donations of cat and dog food are always needed to help continue this program. Contact Bend Spay+Neuter Project at 541-617-1010 to donate.


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