Ride of Silence May 20 in Bend, Oregon


(Photo courtesy of CBN)

The Ride of Silence has been absent in Bend for some time but returns this year to raise awareness in cities around the world, as cyclists gather to ride in silence to honor cyclists’ right to ride on the road and to honor the fallen cyclists no longer with us.

It’s a rally that advocates for the living friends and family of victims, as well as a celebration of those who incorporated the bicycle into their lifestyle. You ride slowly (12 MPH) and silently in hope to end the tragedy on our roads.

The Ride of Silence
May 20, 2015
7pm start and finish at Mirror Pond Plaza

The 2014 Ride Of Silence
315 locations world wide
49 U.S. states
22 Countries
7 continents
0 words spoken
A million powerful memories

According to Jeff Monson of Commute Options: “You are part of a wave of growth for The Ride Of Silence, as we strive to embrace the world, realizing the same bicyclists’ rights problems extends far beyond our own streets. If we can band the cyclists of the world together, we hope that we can affect change in our immediate neighborhoods. With each person’s and location’s help, one person at a time, one location at a time, we can make a change. It helps us realize we ARE making an impact, we do matter, and people will see it.

“This is an important date for your community. Cherish it. Through its people, your town has taken a giant step in the right direction toward cyclist safety. As you probably do, we see this as a very significant event, if only because it is held worldwide on the same day, at the same time. But more so, because it remembers those lost doing what is a legal right.

On one night in cities around the world, cyclists gather annually to ride in silence to raise awareness of cyclists’ right to ride on the road and to honor the fallen cyclists no longer with us. It’s a rally that advocates for the living friends and family of victims, as well as a celebration of those who incorporated the bicycle into their lifestyle. We ride slowly (12 MPH) and silently in hope to end the tragedy on our roads.”

Jeff Monson
Executive Director
Commute Options
50 SW Bond Street, Suite 4
Bend, OR 97702
541 330-2647


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