Sunriver Magazine Unveiled by Cascade Publications & Sunriver Chamber


Cascade Publications Inc. of Bend has released the newest edition of Sunriver Magazine published in collaboration with the Sunriver Chamber of Commerce. The magazine serves as both a visitor guide and residential and commercial informative piece with a history of the Sunriver area, recreation opportunities in the surrounding lakes, rivers and mountains, special events and dining, shopping, real estate and lodging.

Sunriver Magazine lists members of the Sunriver Chamber throughout the magazine in various categories from art & culture and recreation to real estate and the service industry. Sunriver is a place for families and there is something for everyone to do and enjoy regardless of age. It is a place where you can get away from a busy schedule, spend quality family time and reflect on what’s really important in life.

Director of the Sunriver Chamber Kent Elliott welcomes visitors to the Sunriver offering that Sunriver was planned to be a place where we could live with nature in harmony. “This was the first development of its kind to integrate environmental engineering concerns in the planning of the community. The needs of nature and wildlife in Sunriver are just as important as our everyday comforts.”

Jeff Martin, president of Cascade Publications, said that although the community has been the family-friendly vacation destination of choice for nearly half a century, thanks to significant investment by stakeholders and homeowners through the Sunriver Homeowners Association, this crown jewel of the high desert is experiencing a remarkable renaissance.
“We are especially proud to work closely with the Sunriver Chamber of Commerce in presenting this magazine that markets Sunriver and its amenities in such a beautiful presentation.”

Over 30,000 copies will be distributed throughout Oregon in visitor locations. It is now available all over Sunriver to pick up a copy.

Sunriver Chamber of Commerce
57195 Beaver Dr. 2 Country Mall Ste. B
PO Box 3246
Sunriver OR 97707


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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