The Latino Community Association will embark on a new fundraising effort this year to collect a $35,000 matching challenge grant from The Collins Foundation. The grant will motivate more people to support LCA’s efforts to empower immigrant families, increase services and opportunities and ensure that our communities are welcoming and equitable across Central Oregon.
To qualify for the matching grant, the funds must come from new donors or those who have not made a donation to LCA in the past 24 months. Any increased gift from a current donor will also count. Once these donations reach $35,000, The Collins Foundation will cut a check for $35,000.
LCA runs its programs for Central Oregon Latinos primarily on grants from foundations and local contributions from individuals, businesses, faith organizations and service groups.
“We need to broaden the base of supporters contributing to our mission to sustain and grow our services in support of the needs and aspirations of our growing Latino community,” said Executive Director Brad Porterfield. “This challenge grant will provide a huge boost toward achieving this goal.”
The Collins Foundation envisions Oregon as “a place where all people have access to high quality, culturally responsible services in sectors such as health, social services, education, housing and employment.” LCA offers health insurance enrollment, English and citizenship classes, help applying for jobs and interpretation and translation to “empower our Latino families to thrive, creating opportunities for advancement and building bridges that unite and strengthen us all.”
If you would like to help local Latino families improve their lives, visit and click on the “donate” button in the upper right corner. For more information, call Cynthia at (541) 815-2401.