Laura J. Harward Scholarship Fund Provides $28,000 to Graduating High School Students


The Family Access Network (FAN) announced that 14 Central Oregon graduating high school students have each received a $2,000 scholarship to pursue their post-secondary education. This is the third year that FAN is able to provide this opportunity to students through the Laura J. Harward Scholarship Fund. The scholarship is in honor of Laura J. Harward, a lifelong resident of Oregon. A graduate of Oregon public schools, Laura’s greatest joy was supporting her five children in their own school and extra-curricular activities. She organized her local elementary and middle school Battle of the Books teams and was a moderator for regional and state battles. Laura worked as a volunteer school librarian, was Sheldon High School football’s biggest (and loudest) fan, and believed in building a strong foundation through public education.

The 14 scholarship recipients will be attending schools as far away as Georgetown University and as close as Phagan’s Beauty College and COCC in Central Oregon.  Recipients worked closely with the FAN advocate in their high school to apply for the scholarship. Names of the fourteen students will remain anonymous to allow for confidentiality as FAN clients.

“I would like to tell you that I am so grateful that you have awarded me this scholarship. I deeply appreciate you and the opportunity that you have given me to better my higher education.” ~ A scholarship recipient

“All the recipients of this year’s Laura J. Harward Scholarship have shown grit, determination and a drive to succeed. Whether it was as student body president in high school, or volunteer librarian in her children’s school, Laura strengthened her school communities. We’re confident this year’s scholars will continue to be active members of their own communities and will continue to give back, just as Laura did. If she could have, Laura would have torn down every obstacle to education and opportunity. We’re so impressed by all these students have already accomplished in their own young lives.” ~ Tasha McFarland, FAN Foundation Board member and Laura’s sister • 541-693-5675


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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