Taking Healthcare Directly to Employers


With all of the uncertainty surrounding the Affordable Care Act and efforts in Congress to repeal and replace it, healthcare is top-of-mind for employers today. And while planning for the future is difficult to impossible, Vera Whole Health, a fast-growing healthcare company in Seattle offers a simple yet effective solution: employer-funded primary care delivered at the workplace. Verais the leading direct-to-employer primary care provider in the Western United States, serving large and mid-sized employers on-site, in the same building or campus where people work.

Founded in 2008, Vera currently operates clinics in Oregon, Washington, California, Arizona and Alaska. By 2022, they plan to be in a total of 10 states, serving 250,000 employees.
Cutting Employer’s Bottom Line Healthcare Costs

Vera Whole Health plays the role of a managed care organization, helping employers take control of rising healthcare costs. Employers who partner with Vera see a significant reduction in employee healthcare claims, sometimes up to 25 percent in the first year alone.

“Our clinic model drives down costs for both public and private employers,” says Vera founder Ryan Schmid.”As an example, Seattle Children’s Hospital has saved $3.5 million in total healthcare costs thanks to their Vera on-site clinic.”

Data shows that the more patients who use Vera, the more savings the employer sees across the entire employee population. Employers have reported other bottom line benefits as a result of partnering with Vera, including reduction in sick days and a faster return to work, higher productivity, and improved employee attraction and retention.

Says Schmid, “If our partners follow the best-practices we’ve developed, we guarantee an overall reduction in employer healthcare costs.”
How Vera Works
Vera’s delivery model of on-site primary care with embedded health coaching is efficient, but three things make it especially effective.

First, they’re experts in behavior change, believing that it is the only sustainable path to transforming one’s health. The approach is hands-on and time-rich, two concepts that have been lost in America’s health care system. Vera’s highly accessible primary care model empowers providers to spend time with patients and build care plans that address their core needs. Simply put, they take the time necessary to listen and connect.

Second, they achieve high engagement, leading to profound community impact. Vera-facilitated, employee-run Whole Health Councils help integrate the clinic into a company’s culture, leading to a health environment, policies and programs that are much more effective.

Finally, they’ve created a top-flight managed care environment that has proven to contain costs. With patients receiving most of the care they need at the on-site clinics, costly services like urgent care and emergency room visits are greatly reduced. When a patient’s needs extend beyond the clinic, Vera coordinates their path to the most appropriate specialty care and back to the clinic for follow up. This means a huge reduction in unmanaged trips through the fee-for-service system.
The Patient Experience

What does this mean for employees at companies with Vera-managed healthcare? According to Schmid patients love the personal and accessible clinic experience.

“Hearing what makes up a patient’s life – beyond just the hours they spend in the workplace – is essential to helping them attain a more healthy and productive lifestyle,” says Schmid. “We make sure providers have the necessary time they need to make sure patients feel heard. Sometimes that’s an hour, sometimes it’s less. It’s all built around the patient.”

“Our providers guide and involve patients in their individual health journeys, and health coaches help patients follow through on these decisions. We don’t just treat symptoms, we take the time to address a patient’s whole health. That’s what is missing in today’s healthcare system, and why we’re positioned to be a key player in transforming how people access and benefit from modern medicine.”

Vera clinics work best for employers, both public and private, who have over 1,000 employees. Learn more about whether an on-site clinic is a good fit for your business at verawholehealth.com.


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