10 Barrel Beer Wars Returns


10 Barrel Brewing has announced that their heritage event, Beer Wars, is returning to the 10 Barrel Bend West Side Pub on Saturday, July 30 from 4-9pm. After a couple of years’ hiatus due to the pandemic, this highly anticipated legacy event is making a comeback. It’s open to the public, all ages and entry is free.

What is Beer Wars?

Beer Wars is a Bend legacy event that puts the best local breweries in a head-to-head competition where the consumer decides the victor. This is a blind tasting event where each beer on draft will be associated with a designated number (Taps labeled 1-20, etc.). The guest is given a tasting sheet and samples beers throughout the day, taking notes on their favorite before they cast the final vote. An hour before the conclusion of the event 10B will close voting, tally the votes, and declare a winner for each category!

This year there will be 3 categories: IPAs, Sessions (abv 3-7%, Lagers, Pilsners, Heffs, Kolsches etc.) and Wildcards (Sours, Belgiums, Stouts, innovation beers, etc).

In addition, this year 10 Barrel will be having a Wing Wars component where each of 10 Barrel’s pub locations submits a wing recipe and similar to the blind tasting aspect of beer wars, guests vote on their favorite wing recipe!

Who: 10 Barrel and some of the best breweries in Central Oregon
What: 10 Barrel Brewing’s Eighth Annual Beer Wars — Blind taste beer festival with live music, award ceremony and blind hot wing battle
When: July 30 4-9pm
Where: West Side 10 Barrel Location (1135 NW Galveston Ave., Bend)



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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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