10 reasons why you should install a ghost immobiliser to your new car.


If you’re just about to take delivery of a brand-new car, or your new-to-you premium vehicle has been sitting on your driveway for a short period, you’ll want to make sure that you have the best protection for it. Vehicle theft continues to be one of the top concerns for car owners, particularly if you have a brand-new vehicle. Thankfully though, there is now some advanced protection against modern theft techniques, such as vehicle trackers and technologies that effectively prevent unauthorised access to your vehicle. The Ghost immobiliser, for example, is a formidable defender against thieves, and there are various reasons you might want to consider installing a Ghost immobiliser to your new car. Let’s discuss the top 10 reasons for considering this.

1.  Protection against key cloning and relay attacks.

A Ghost immobiliser is specifically designed to avoid the threat of key cloning and relay attacks. These are two methods commonly employed by car thieves, particularly for newer vehicles. Key cloning is where a thief will create duplicates of your car key, while a relay attack works by amplifying the signal from your key fob, which can trick your car into unlocking and starting even when the key is still inside your property.

In contrast, a Ghost immobiliser requires you to enter a unique PIN code while in your vehicle before it will start. This means that amplified signals or cloned keys will be useless to thieves.

2.  They are completely invisible

Unlike a steering wheel lock or a traditional alarm, the Ghost immobiliser is undetectable. It doesn’t require any additional key fobs, and there is no radio signal emission, making it almost impossible for a thief to disable or identify its presence. If a thief faces a security system they cannot bypass, they may be deterred from trying to enter your vehicle.

3.  It integrates with your car’s existing systems.

The Ghost immobiliser uses the latest technology to seamlessly integrate with your car’s electronics. It uses the vehicle’s own steering wheel, door panels and other buttons to enter your pin code, which means there is no additional wiring or modification to your vehicle needed. This ensures that even you will not be able to see any evidence of it having been installed.

4.  Customisation

The ability to create your own unique PIN code sequence is extremely helpful. That way, you can create a complex PIN sequence that is easy for you to remember but extremely difficult for anyone else to guess. Plus, you can change the code whenever you feel the need to, which adds another element of security.

5.  No interference with your car’s existing electronics

The immobiliser does not work with your car’s electronic systems or warranties. It is completely independent and non-intrusive that will not impact the functionality or performance of your car.

6.  Insurance matters.

Due to its high profile and respected position among vehicle defence accessories, some insurance companies offer discounts on premiums for vehicles that have this installed. It might be a good idea to check with your insurance company to see whether installing a ghost immobiliser will give you any savings.

7.  Deters thieves

A simple sticker on your car window stating that you have a ghost immobiliser can put off even the most eager of thieves. The mobiliser is notoriously difficult to disarm, and thieves may move onto another vehicle or give up completely.

8.  Easy installation

Certified professionals can easily install a ghost immobiliser on your vehicle, and there is no need for extensive maintenance.

9.  Added value

If you decide you want to sell your car on, having a Ghost immobiliser can actually be a selling point. It may make the difference between making the sale and not, or it could even increase the resale value of your car.

10.  Peace of mind

Finally, perhaps the most valuable benefit is the peace of mind you’ll have by knowing your car is fully protected. Whether you need to park your car in a car park, on the street or at home, the immobiliser will stay with your car, providing a secure line of defence.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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