Buying a new construction home comes with a lot of anticipation and excitement. Investing in a new build home means that you don’t have to deal with the hassle, stress, and mess of renovations and can dive right into the fun stuff like decorating.
Decorating a new home has some significant advantages, and one of those is having the lead time to prepare and work out exactly how you want to decorate. Buying a new build home before construction has completed means that you can make some minor changes, choose paint colors, and even have input into the fixtures and fittings.
The first item on our list is budget. Regardless of our caviar dreams, most of us have to live within a budget. It is undoubtedly worth splurging on some individual main components in your high-traffic rooms like your couch, area rug and bed. Invest in neutral pieces that will last; you can always add a pop of color with throw cushions or other less expensive additions. If you don’t think your old furniture will work in your new space, then sell it and use the money to buy a piece of furniture that is more suited to the space. Better yet, pay it forward and donate it to a local charity.
Keep your favorites on file
Whether you are into old-school scrapbooks or mood boards or you’re a Pinterest junkie, keeping all of your ideas in one place is definitely worth the time. Wherever you get your inspiration, be sure to keep it all in one place because regardless of how a-maze-ing that side table is, you will surely forget once other priorities come into play. Look for recurring themes and patterns in what you have kept. Do you prefer warm or cool colors? Do you prefer modern or shabby-chic? Sometimes you might surprise yourself.
There are many details to keep in mind when decorating a new construction home.
You can use the blueprints to consider your furniture size and arrangements or, better yet, download Sketchup, which is free and will become very addictive. Start with the big furniture pieces and work your way down to the smaller aspects. Play around and have fun. Bookmark your top tips for decorating a new home and look back at them often.
Did you grow up with a grandma that had a room where only the vacuuming lines changed from one week to the next? Or a room that was for special occasions and was only aired out a few times a year? Today, most people don’t have formal dining or sitting rooms, and every part of the house is generally used on an almost daily basis. Don’t forget that your home’s functional spaces need not be boring; window blinds can add a lot of pizzazz, for example.
A showroom might look amazing at first glance, but it is far from personal. We know you will want your new construction home to look incredible and wow your guests, but you also want to show that real people live there. Add some personal touches and make sure that your home reflects the people that live in it. Stop and resist the urge to decorate everything in your home all at once – you’ll hopefully be in your new construction home for years, so let decorating happen organically and enjoy the process.