5 Tips for Maintaining Healthy Gums in Mobile, AL


While most people focus on their teeth as the most important indicator of good oral health, your gums are the unsung hero behind the scenes, supporting your teeth and providing the foundation for a healthy smile. Your gums not only hold your teeth in place but also keep harmful bacteria out of your bloodstream. So, when your gums aren’t the healthiest they can be, it might impact your body in other areas. If you have questions about maintaining healthy gums, a dentist in Mobile, AL is an excellent resource alongside these five tips. Read on to learn why gum health is important and how you can keep your gums healthy and strong.

Why is gum health important?

When gum health deteriorates, it can turn into gingivitis, periodontitis, or advanced periodontitis, which could lead to tooth loss or other health conditions, including cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Addressing early signs of gum disease can lead to the best treatment outcomes. For example, if caught and treated early, gingivitis can be reversed.

Luckily, the best practices for maintaining healthy gums mirror guidance for overall oral health:

1. Start good brushing and flossing habits young.

The best time to start good oral habits is when children are young. Parents, alongside a supportive dental professional, should teach children how to properly brush and floss teeth and ensure they keep up the habit of brushing twice daily and flossing once.

2. Make dental visits routine.

It’s smart to let a professional assess your gum health twice a year at tooth cleanings. Since dental issues can develop quickly, keeping these regular appointments increases the likelihood that your dentist or hygienist can identify signs of gum disease early.

3. Don’t delay necessary dental procedures.

Dental procedures can feel intimidating, especially if going to the dentist makes you nervous. However, delaying a necessary procedure like a filling, root canal, or tooth cap could cause the need for a more invasive procedure later. Speak to your dentist about concerns that may be causing you to put off an appointment. Dentists can educate you on how a procedure works or offer financial support if that’s a worry.

4. Avoid tobacco and sugary food and drinks.

Just like tobacco and sugary treats can damage tooth enamel, they can also negatively impact gums. If you’re struggling to break an unhealthy habit that’s damaging your teeth, talk to your dentist about actions you can take to limit the damage.

5. Keep an eye on changes in your gums.

A dentist only sees inside your mouth twice a year, but you’re the one with the power to monitor changes daily. If you see anything concerning, reach out to your dentist right away to schedule an appointment. Early identification of issues and treatment is key to preventing gum disease from developing.

The bottom line

The health of your gums is tightly linked with your overall health. So, it makes sense to develop healthy oral habits from a young age that will lead to healthy gums for life. A dentist in Mobile can assess your current gum health and ensure that your gums stay healthy in the future.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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