(Photo above: Becky Johnson speaking at the Oregon State-Cascades Campus Expansion Advisory Committee meeting)
The community advisory groups working to contribute to Oregon State University – Cascades’ long range development plan are preparing to further refine their recommendations. The advisory groups’ next work sessions will take place on Thursday, January 7.
The four groups were convened this fall and are considering how OSU’s expanded campus can enhance and contribute to the community and region in the areas of arts, culture and enrichment; community integration; sustainability; and health and wellness.
The final recommendations will be used as guiding principles by an architecture and engineering design team to create a long range development plan for the expanded campus beyond the initial 10-acre site.
Highlights of the advisory groups’ work to date include recognition that:
• As a living laboratory, the campus has an opportunity to model and be a hub for a community focus on sustainable policies put into practice
• Neighborhood livability issues can only be mitigated through an ongoing commitment by OSU administration, faculty and students
• OSU should be a leader in the arts, setting a high quality standard
• Learning, study, recreation, social, and health and wellness spaces will entice students to stay on campus, reducing the need for cars and increasing influence on student behavior
Advisory group work sessions are open to the public and the upcoming sessions will take place at the Graduate & Research Center on Columbia Ave. in Bend:
9am – 12pm, Rm. 231
Sustainability Advisory Group
1 pm – 4pm, Rm. 130
Arts, Culture and Enrichment Advisory Group
4pm – 7pm, Rm. 231
Community Integration Advisory Group
Presentations and full highlights from past work sessions can be found at http://osucascades.edu/4/meeting-materials.
For information contact 541-322-3100 or info@osucascades.edu.