Arts & Culture Alliance Takes Over Fiscal Sponsorship of Deschutes Cultural Coalition


The Arts and Culture Alliance of Central Oregon has become the fiscal sponsorship of the Deschutes Cultural Coalition (DCC), part of the Oregon Cultural Trust. Previous fiscal sponsorship was handled by Arts Central, which closed earlier this year. The DCC offers grants to arts and culture non profits located in Deschutes County. As fiscal sponsor, ACA will provide web access to grant guidelines and applications, as well as supervise the collection of applications and grant distribution.

“The Deschutes Cultural Coalition is grateful for the quick support received from the ACA. The relationship has allowed a fairly seamless transition that won’t delay this year’s grant process.” said Kelly Cannon-Miller of the DCC.

Grant information: Deadline November 15, 2016

The Deschutes Cultural Coalition is seeking applications for grant funding from all sectors within the culture field including arts, heritage, and humanities.  Grant funding is sponsored by the Oregon Cultural Trust and must support projects and activities that address one of the four priorities outlined within the Deschutes Cultural Plan:

  • Encourage greater awareness of local culture.
  • Ensure that cultural resources are accessible to all residents.
  • Utilize local cultural resources to promote economic vitality.
  • Help new and established cultural organizations increase their capacity to fulfill their mission.

Grant awards will range from $500 to $5000 each.  To qualify you must be based in Deschutes County, the organization must me a based humanities, heritage or arts organization, a designated 501(c)(3) non profit, established for at least one year and prior grant awardees must have submitted all project reports.  The application timeline for 2016-2017 is:

Application due: November 15, 2016
Funding decisions: Mid-December, 2016
Funding distribution: January 2017

To apply for a grant you must complete  a Deschutes Cultural Coalition grant application form  with responses to the questions indicated. A copy of the organization’s current IRS 501(c)(3) determination letter will be required from all new applicants. One copy of the most recently completed fiscal year financial report. Only one copy of the application packet is required.

Grant applications are to be emailed to the Deschutes Cultural Coalition c/o The Arts and Culture Alliance by 5pm, November 15, 2016. Late applications will not be accepted or reviewed.

After the grants applications have been received Applications will be evaluated on how well the proposed project or activity addresses the priorities of the Deschutes Cultural Plan. Projects must address one of the four priorities listed at the beginning of these guidelines. Each priority will be given equal weight in the application review and scoring process.

​Applications for funding will be reviewed by the Deschutes Cultural Coalition.

Acknowledgement of Funding: Grant recipients must state in all media announcements, marketing materials, and information campaigns that their activities are supported by a grant from the Deschutes Cultural Coalition with funds from the Oregon Cultural Trust to support Oregon’s arts, heritage, and the humanities.

Grant recipients will submit a final report to the Deschutes Cultural Coalition within 12 months of the award date. The final report must describe the results of the project or activity, provide evidence of collaboration, detail how grant funds and matching contributions were used, and explain how outreach to underserved populations or regions of Deschutes County was achieved. Information provided in the final report will be assessed against benchmarks in the Deschutes Cultural Plan and used by the Cultural Coalition to plan future initiatives.

Grant application can be found here:


Arts and Culture Alliance

Formed in May 2010, the Arts & Culture Alliance realizes the impact the arts have on Central Oregon and the economy. The ACA was formed to create collaboration and networking opportunities for local arts and cultural organizations; their shared purpose in working together to promote the arts and supporting each other establishes a collective voice.

In 2002, the Oregon Legislature established the Oregon Cultural Trust for the purpose of raising and investing significant new funds in the state’s arts, humanities and heritage. Currently, funds are distributed to 1,300 cultural nonprofits, 5 statewide Cultural Partners, and 45 county and tribal coalitions to support cultural projects of local, regional and statewide significance. The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Jefferson County, Crook County and Deschutes County each maintain a Cultural Coalition and Cultural Plan specific to the assets and needs of the Tribes and each county. 

Information on Deschutes County Cultural Coalition:

The Deschutes County Cultural Coalition exists to:

  1. Support existing cultural resources and encourage greater awareness of local
  2. Strengthen the relationship between local cultural resources and the tourist
  3. Ensure that cultural resources are accessible to all residents.

What is the Oregon Cultural Trust?

The Trust is a state-wide cultural plan to raise significant new funds to invest into Oregon’s arts, humanities and heritage. Funds will be distributed to counties and tribes to support local cultural projects and collaborations through competitive grants that support cultural projects of regional and statewide significance, and through additional funds to Oregon’s cultural agencies to support collaborative partnerships and ongoing statewide efforts.

Oregon nonprofit cultural organizations are eligible for new funding to support protection of and stabilization and investment in culture above and beyond the existing funds distributed through existing cultural agency grants. New funds are available locally through counties and tribes as well as from the cultural agencies in support of collaborations and partnerships.

What is the Deschutes County Cultural Plan?

County-based cultural coalitions have been developed to initiate cultural planning efforts to determine local and regional needs, baseline inventories of cultural resources, and benchmarks that are in alignment with the goals of the Oregon Cultural Trust.

The Deschutes County Cultural Planning Committee was appointed by Deschutes County Commissioners in late 2002 to develop a Deschutes County Cultural Plan. The purpose of the Planning Committee is to define the structure of a permanent Deschutes County Cultural Coalition and to develop a cultural plan to guide the coalition in awarding grant funds from the Oregon Cultural Trust to support and protect the culture, arts and heritage of Deschutes County.

How you can help to build culture in Deschutes County and across Oregon?

On August 9, 2001, Governor Kitzhaber signed into law HB 2923, the legislation providing funding and structure for Oregon’s Trust for Cultural Development. This legislation establishes a tax credit for direct contributions to the Oregon Trust for Cultural Development, a long-term public/private funding initiative designed to preserve and strengthen culture for all Oregonians.

Jasmine Helsley-Barnett Project Manager for ACA

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