Five Talent Software Joins Short List of Global Technology Giants as Amazon Web Services (AWS) Mobile Competency Development & Consulting Partner


Five Talent has acquired Mobile Competency status as an Amazon Web Services Consulting Partner on the AWS Partner Network, joining global tech firms like Accenture, Slalom Consulting and Mobiquity.

According to Five Talent CEO Preston Callicott Five Talent has a talented and experienced workforce of AWS certified Solution Architects, DevOps Professionals and SysOps Administrators. “The company partnered with AWS in 2014 to provide a level of flexibility, operational cost optimizations and development solutions unparalleled by any other cloud provider,” he reported.
“Strengthening of our AWS partnership is mutually beneficial as it empowers our development team to work with both more agility and out-of-the-box solutions while re-enforcing our leading role as one of the largest solutions provider in the Pacific Northwest,” added Ryan Comingdeer, CTO.

Founded in 2004, Five Talent is a technology consulting and custom development firm based in Bend, Oregon.  Its on-shore, U.S. based team of 25+ seasoned professionals provides systems architecture and design, product and digital marketing strategies, and implementation.

Learn more about the Mobile Competency – Development & Consulting Partner of Amazon Web Services (AWS).

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1001 SW Emkay Drive, Suite 120
Bend, OR 97702
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