Bend’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) plan received its final approval from the Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD). The final approval and acknowledgement followed after the Department issued their approving order on November 14 and a 21-day appeal period with no appeals.
This milestone marks the completion of a planning process that began in 2004 and included more than 60 volunteers on three technical advisory committees, and more than 70 public meetings. It’s estimated that more than 3,000 citizens participated in meetings, workshops and online input throughout the planning process.
“Working with community members to develop this forward-thinking growth plan has been incredible,” said Long-range Planning Manager Brian Rankin. “The process helped create broad consensus and encouraged the community to think proactively about what Bend looks like in 20 years.”
The UGB plan adds 2,380 acres of land for housing and employment to the City’s UGB. Expansions include a mix of land uses including residential, employment, parks, open space, schools and civic land.
Now that the state has approved the UGB plan, it will be in effect and result in changes to the City’s Comprehensive Plan and Development Code, which guide and regulate future development. Changes to developed areas of Bend will occur when landowners propose redevelopment and build according to the newly adopted plans and codes.
The City Council will work with City staff during its February goal setting process to identify approaches to implementing the newly approved UGB plan. Key City departments, including Community Development, Engineering Infrastructure and Planning, and Growth Management are now focused on approaches and major projects to implement the plan in the coming years.
For more information on the UGB plan: