The Sisters Ranger District will be changing its permit processes for dry cone permits this year when the season opens on May 1.
In the past dry pine cone permits were sold by the bushel on a 30-day permit with 80 bushels being allowed during that 30-day permit. Over the past several years, pine cone pickers, due to demand for cones, have far exceeded the 80 bushels in the 30 day permit.
Starting this year the Sisters Ranger District will have two cone permits available to better address the demand for pine cones.
When the season opens May 1, 2018, two types of cone permits will be available:
A 10-day permit for $20 with no limit on the number of bushels picked within that time. A maximum of six 10-day permits are allowed per season.
A 60-day permit is available for $100 and also has no limit on the number of bushels picked. However, only one permit can be issued per person during the season.
These two permits will better align the number of bushels picked within the time allowed.
In addition, the Sisters Ranger District will not have any contract areas for dry pine cones only permits will be allowed, which means there will be no cone contract area restrictions.
The Sisters Ranger District will still provide staging areas, industrial camping permits and help with haul route locations as needed.
The spring pine cone picking season end on June 30.
For more information, please contact Jeremy Fields, Special Forest Products Officer, at 541-549-7659.