Jericho Road of Redmond Receives $5,000 from the Bill Healy Foundation.



Jericho Road has received a $5,000 grant to support their Weekend Food Program. The monies received will help provide supplemental food over the school year to hundreds of students.

“The support from the Bill Healy foundation will be a critical part of making a positive difference in the quality of life for a great many children” – Bob Troutman, Jericho Road Chairman.

Bill Healy is remembered as the visionary who established Mt. Bachelor as a world class ski resort beginning in 1958. His foundation believes that the well being of children is an opportunity and a responsibility to offer support, understanding and guidance in their educated, informed and compassionate choices for a better quality and appreciation of life.

It is Jericho Road’s mission as well to provide tangible support whenever possible to those being challenged in our community, especially our children.

To learn more about Jericho Road and our programs in the Redmond community, please visit or call 541-699-2099.


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