City of Bend Opening New Downtown Substation as Part of a Strategy to Improve Safety Downtown


(Photo courtesy of City of Bend)

The City of Bend Police and Economic Development departments partnered with the Downtown Bend Business Association to open a new Police substation in downtown Bend.

The substation is located at 61 Oregon Avenue on the northwest corner of the parking garage in the former office of the Downtown Bend Business Association. The location will provide an additional presence for the Police Department to better serve downtown residents, businesses and visitors.

“The City of Bend is committed to keeping downtown vibrant, safe and fun for everyone,” said Police Department Captain Paul Kansky. “This new police substation will provide our officers with the opportunity for more community engagement.”

When the substation officially opens later this year, it will not be staffed 24 hours a day. Police still encourage people to call 911 for emergencies and 541-693-6911 for non-emergencies. The substation will be a convenient place for Police to use to complete follow-up investigations, write reports and make phone calls.

Establishing a new substation is a proactive step in improving downtown public safety. It aligns with the City Council-supported Downtown Public Safety Improvement Plan which was developed based on feedback from the public and downtown businesses.

“Downtown Bend serves as an economic, cultural, and recreational hub for locals and visitors,” said Parking Demand Manager Drew Dietrich. “With more than 325 businesses and numerous public events in downtown, public safety is a top priority.”

Strategies that have been implemented to improve safety in downtown also include improving lighting in the parking garage, removing garbage enclosures in the south Mirror Pond parking lot and increasing foot patrols. Additional strategies the City will implement include redesigning the south Mirror Pond parking lot and installing video cameras in key areas such as the parking garage.


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