Despite the efforts of the past few years, why do we continue to see such a weak economic recovery? In the latest installment of Your Bottom Line with Bill Dunkelberg, NFIB’s chief economist says the slow recovery can be explained by the struggles small business continues to face.
“Small business accounts for half of our gross domestic product,” Dunkelberg says. “And one-in-four NFIB members continues to report that weak sales is their top business problem.”
Dunkelberg also explains that the manufacturing sector, exporters and big banks are doing well, but smaller banks – a major engine driving “main street” businesses and consumer spending – along with the housing market, remain weak.
NFIB’s web series Your Bottom Line with Bill Dunkelberg educates small business owners on what drives the economy and how economic issues affect their businesses. William Dunkelberg, one of the nation’s top experts on small business, hosts the series. New videos are posted each Wednesday and all episodes are archived for later viewing.
William C. Dunkelberg has been chief economist for NFIB since 1971. He is currently professor of Economics at the School of Business and Management, Temple University, and served as dean from 1987-94. He was director of the Center for the Advancement and Study of Entrepreneurship from 1991-94.