(Photo above: Mt. Hood, one of four volcanoes in Oregon on the U.S.G.S list for high priority monitoring | courtesy of OSU-Cascades)
Oregon is near the top of the national list when it comes to the number of volcanoes in the state — there are thousands within its borders. At Oregon State University – Cascades’ upcoming Science Pub, OSU geologist Adam Kent will explore the volcanic life of our state, focusing on four major volcanoes that are on a high priority list for monitoring.
Titled “What Will Oregon’s Next Volcanic Eruption Look Like?” the Science Pub will take place on Tuesday, January 15 in Father Luke’s Room at McMenamins Old St. Francis in Bend.
The presentation will explore the Mount Hood, Newberry, Crater Lake and South Sister volcanoes, all of which are on the United States Geological Survey’s high priority list for monitoring, as well as volcanoes in Alaska, Hawaii, Japan and the Caribbean. Kent, a professor and the head of the geology program in OSU’s College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, will also demonstrate how the tools of geology and volcanology help scientists understand and forecast the impact of volcanic eruptions at these sites.
Kent is the director of the W.M. Keck Collaboratory for Plasma Spectrometry, a state-of-the-art geochemical analysis facility at the Corvallis campus. His research interests center around igneous rocks, those derived from the Earth’s mantle, deep within our planet. Kent’s work focuses on the geology of volcanoes in the Cascade Range and around the world.
Kent received a bachelor’s degree in geology from the University of New England in Australia, and a doctorate in geology and geochemistry from the Australian National University.
Science Pubs take place from 5:30 to 7:30pm. Networking, food and beverage service begin at 5:30pm, and the presentation starts at 6:30pm. Science Pubs are free to community members, but reservations are required. Space is limited to 100 guests.
Register by 5pm the day prior to each Science Pub at osucascades.edu/sciencepubs.
About OSU-Cascades: Oregon State University’s campus in Bend features outstanding faculty in degree programs that reflect Central Oregon’s vibrant economy and abundant natural resources. Nearly 20 undergraduate majors, 30 minors and options, and three graduate programs include computer science, energy systems engineering, kinesiology, hospitality management, and tourism, recreation and adventure leadership. OSU-Cascades expanded to a four-year university in 2015; its new campus opened in 2016.