To create an Alcohol & Drug Free Post Graduation Celebration Party Summit High School Class of 2012 Senior Parents will hold a Silent Auction at Athletic Club of Bend to raise funds.
A group of proactive Summit High School parents of graduating seniors are creating an alcohol & drug free post graduation celebration party and are raising the funds through a silent auction to accomplish that goal. The Silent Auction will be held on December 8 from 8am-8pm at the Athletic Club of Bend. The Athletic Club of Bend generously donates their facility each year for this event.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety administration, Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of youth death between the ages of 15-20 years old. During prom and graduation weekends, teen deaths from crashes are higher than any other time of the year.
“We are creating this graduation party to keep our kids safe” says Graduation 2012 Co-Chair, Sherry Ortega. The Graduation 2012 committee members are trying to create an environment that will demonstrate positive and attractive alternatives to alcohol and other drug infused activities. The Summit High School Graduating Class of 2012 has about 350 students.
The Summit High School Graduation 2012 committee members are grateful for the local business community’s support by donating many items for the upcoming Auction on December 8th, 2011.
In addition to the Auction, the group will be selling raffle tickets for an iPad. Tickets will be sold at Summit Administration office or by Graduation Committee Members. The raffle ticket holders do not have to be present for the drawing.
The post graduation celebration for Summit High School Students has become a tradition and as a result the group has formed a non-profit organization. All donations are tax deductable and a standard form with the groups Tax Id will be provided to all donations.
If you would like to donate a silent auction item or money, please contact Karen Bellandi at 541-306-4297 or Checks can be made out to SHS Graduation 2012 Fund and mailed to Summit High School at 2855 NW Clearwater Drive, Bend, Oregon 97701.