We all at some point in our professional careers tend to think at least once about switching careers. There are different reasons and explanations to think about it. One reason is when a student graduates, the pressure from the family of getting a job as soon as you get out is so immense that he/she tends to choose the career, whatever is available rather what they actually want to do. And hence after some years, they get tired of that monotonous job that they did not choose out of passion but just out of need. At that moment when it becomes unbearable many professionals think of switching to a new job. It is highly likely that the job chosen out of passion is low paid and less acceptable in the society, such as leaving a bank job for being a painter or a musician.
Another reason is, our regressing economies and changing trends of the markets. It is possible that when a professional started the job, let’s say garments industry was doing out class business but now with time software industry has taken the lead. Mostly people do jobs for money and not for something else. If there was a possibility that people were given the money without any job or hard work, no one in this whole wide world would have worked. So professionals also tend to switch careers if they can get the higher incomes from that new career option. Most of the people these days are changing their careers to IT, software and data science because of higher and brighter chances of getting more income and better positions in the offices.
Best options for Career Change
According to The Muse, six most paying jobs for career change are:
- Data Scientist
- Social Media Manager
- Fundraiser
- Software Engineer
- Market Research Analyst
- Financial Planner
It turns out that not only these career options are lucrative opportunities for new careers but also highly paid that in some cases is surprising as well. The website newcareerideas.com have good ideas too.
Interesting trends in career change
Then there come the career options from where people are most transitioning out and at the same time are transitioning in. One of these careers is sales. Another trend in career change that is more of common sense but surveys and research shows that people who thinks that the promotion in their current careers is not possible anymore because of their age, low academic degrees or they have already on the highest post f their industry, they move to academics. With years of experience, they also are usually able to acquire a good place in universities.
The reasons to change career are different for different people but it is highly likely that people switch to new careers because of passion or more income. The best career options at the moment are data science, software development and sales. The career change also needs a strong will to move because it can backfire anytime and there is no way back from it. So when you choose to switch career, have a plan B in your pocket with you. Because you had time when the mistake you made in choosing your earlier career. And according to a wise man there are no second chances in life. So be careful second time.