When you’re facing a potential criminal conviction, it’s important to understand the full costs of your penalties. Sure, you may know that jail or prison is on the table if you’re convicted, but what about the penalties when you’re out of jail?
Unfortunately, your difficulties may not end when you leave your cell for the last time. Instead, they could keep piling up, making it more difficult to get back to your normal life after a criminal conviction. Make sure you understand these long-term penalties you could face for a criminal conviction before you plead guilty.
Financial Costs for Criminal Convictions
If you’ve been convicted of a crime, the financial costs may be one of the first things you’re expected to pay after you’re out of jail or prison. Unfortunately, that can be tough, and not just because you’re likely facing thousands of dollars in fines and fees.
You’ve also likely been unable to work during your time in jail. That could mean months or years without a job, which could make it tough for you to find employment. Having a gap on your resume for any reason can hurt your job prospects, but being unable to work because you were in jail could be taken much more seriously.
Worse, that means you’re starting off with debt right after you leave the prison. That could affect your financial situation even more, especially as you’re trying to get back to normal after your stint in jail.
Your Criminal Record Can Affect You
You may now be looking for employment, housing, and other concerns that could affect your living situation. Unfortunately, no matter how good your experience or references may be, you could be affected by your criminal record.
When a potential employer, landlord, or lender does a background check, they will see that you have a criminal record. That record could lead to you losing that spot—many companies refuse to hire people with a criminal record.
If you were convicted of a DUI or other criminal traffic violation, getting a job as a driver may be impossible, no matter how much experience you have. That makes returning to your normal life following an arrest much harder.
How a Criminal Defense Attorney Can Help
If you’ve been charged with a crime, you may need to act now. These penalties can haunt you for years after the conviction, so if you haven’t been convicted, it’s best to fight back now, not later.
If you’re not sure where to begin, talking to a Chicago criminal defense lawyer may be the best first step for you. They can detail the penalties for your specific case, then defend you in the courtroom when your court date arrives.
If you’re concerned about your future, you have the chance to act now. Acting later, unfortunately, may leave you struggling to deal with the consequences of your case.
Ready to seek out help and avoid a criminal conviction? Seek out the right lawyer for your case and get help to avoid those long-term penalties.