Coldwell Banker Bain Offices in SW Washington & Oregon Announce Results From 2019 Warm Coat Drive


Coldwell Banker Bain, a leading provider of real estate brokerage services throughout the Pacific Northwest, announces the results of its 2019 warm coat drive conducted by brokers and staff in November and December. The South Region Coldwell Banker Bain offices, including Longview, Vancouver East, Vancouver West, Portland West, Portland Uptown, Lake Oswego and Bend, collected 463 coats and nearly $3,000 in donations.

The effort was facilitated via One Warm Coat, a national nonprofit organization that works to provide a free, warm coat to any person in need. One Warm Coat supports individuals, groups, companies and organizations across the country by providing the tools and resources needed to hold a successful coat drive. Coats are distributed in the communities where they were collected, to children and adults in need, without charge, discrimination or obligation. Since One Warm Coat’s inception in 1992, we have worked with our volunteers to host more than 34,000 coat drives and have given away more than 6 million coats.

Monies raised were sent directly to One Warm Coat, and the coats collected were distributed to the following local organizations that participate in its annual drive:

Longview: Community House on Broadway

Vancouver West: Share House in Vancouver

Vancouver East: Open House Ministries in Vancouver

Portland West: Good Neighbor Center in Tigard

Portland Uptown: William Temple House in Portland

Lake Oswego: Good Neighbor Center in Tigard and Neighborhood House in Portland

Bend: Shepherd’s House Ministries in Bend

Ward Spears, regional manager of Coldwell Banker Bain’s Oregon region and principal managing broker of Coldwell Banker Bain of Lake Oswego, said, “Our brokers and staff really stepped up this year to address the needs of those less fortunate in our respective communities during these cold winter months. We’re very proud of their efforts and look forward to continuing these efforts in 2020.”



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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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