Starting your own business is one of the ways you can use to take charge of your life and make extra income month after month. However, taking this step can be scary and challenging. In addition to that, several things should be put in place to get your business off the ground. But with the right steps, you will find it easy to start up a business even if you have a full-time job.
Every business is different, so you might need to slightly alter these steps to suit your business needs. However, read further in this article, and let’s walk you through starting your own business.
Get a Business Idea
First and foremost, you need to find a superb business idea. This is one of the steps that people find difficult to do. One of the reasons why most people have not started a side business is because they don’t have a great idea. If you need help improving your business idea, you should consider business advisory services from Brown Smith Wallace.
If you are looking for a great business idea, you need to ask yourself some questions. First, ask yourself the kind of skills you have and what do you know and understand well. Also, you can ask your friends what you are good at – the answers you receive can give you a hint on the business you can venture into.
Get top-paying clients
Once you have a solid business idea, the next thing you need to do is to attract top-paying clients. Finding clients for your business shouldn’t be overwhelming. However, you need to have it in mind that you in order to stand out, you must put in all your efforts.
For instance, if you are starting as a freelancer, you can check out some job board sites like craigslist to get more high-paying clients. However, to ensure you have the best opportunity to work for clients, make sure to develop the perfect pitch to sell your services to them instead of sending emails expecting to get the gig.
Pitch Your Work to the Clients
One great way to gain the heart of potential clients is to speak directly to their needs. It’s pure human psychology. When crafting your pitch, you need to reach out to their concerns and needs. There are some templates that you can use to develop a good pitch that will attract your potential clients. You can also check online for sales pitch samples.
First, you need an introduction where you are going to introduce yourself. After that, you can discuss what you have to offer them. Ensure you carry out a background check on the company to know what you can help them with. Also, you will talk about the benefits and have a call to action.
Tune the Perfect Piece
Every business beginner will find pricing confusing. It’s always filled with questions like “Is $YY/ hour too small”? Is it too much? or should I charge per hour or by the task? You should know that there are no underlying rules for setting your price rate. However, some rules can work for you.
One of the methods to use is the “Drop Three Zero.” For instance, if you’re earning $30,000, your hourly rate will be $30/hr.