2021: A Brand New Year in Coaching


The exciting news for coaches across the board during this last most intriguing year is that we grew, became more creative, demanded more of ourselves and elevated our skills to new heights. As our clients’ challenges grew, so did our desire to stay ahead of them. 

My particular field of coaching centers upon developing phenomenally successful leaders and key executives. Both categories were hit hard from all sides with unanticipated challenges last year. Professionally, they had to stay inspiring for their teams, innovative in how they created new workspaces and modes of communication along with being diligent in staying up with the firehose of constantly changing data, closures and enforcements.

At the same time, leaders and executives are human and continually discovering new ways to deal with their individual stressors and fears. No longer could they relieve their silent anxiety through a racquetball game or good sweat at the gym. They could not release pressure through enjoying a few beers at a pub with colleagues or social dinners out. Even home dinner parties were no longer a safe endeavor for release. 

Profound leaders had to act quickly to adjust to their new realities, as did we coaches. As businesses were struggling, my phone rang off the hook. Leaders looking for help in fostering their people to new heights were desperate for new tools, strategies and techniques. 

Having been a Master Certified Coach for the past 20 years with the backing of the International Coach Federation, I had plenty of tools to explore, stemming from my own experience and the ICF code of ethics. Intense focus, curiosity, honesty and creativity were employed to create success after success. 

Now we have graduated to a brand new year, with a renewed sense of optimism and confidence, and knowing that we can conquer any challenge that comes our way. This is the result leaders, executives, business owners and even coaches gained through mastering the challenges of 2020. 

So, what is next? What new coaching trends will we see in 2021?

Virtual Coaching. The whole industry is talking about increased virtual coaching. I know, you are tired of ‘virtual’ anything; however, it is the path forward in much of the coaching world. Most are talking about increased Zoom meetings. We have all experienced Zoom fatigue. Through the years I have found a laser-focused, purposeful telephone session is far superior to being stationed at your desk, dressed to impress and looking into a screen. 

Clients have the freedom to phone in from any office, living room, park, mountaintop or environment that is private and comfortable in order to focus solely upon themselves without any distractions. This is how they think best during these socially distancing times. If they are looking into a computer screen, they are looking at me. How does that benefit them? It is more powerful for them to be in their own worlds focused on their issue of the day and hearing themselves answer the tough questions rather than looking directly at me for the answers. 

Niche Coaching. The reality is that most people are seeking out a solution to a specific problem and seek a coach who is aligned with that problem. The responsibility here is primarily on the prospective coach being honest with the potential client about their expertise, experiences, track record, style and credentials. For example, coaching niches may be as diverse as team, personal, spiritual, relationship, career, health, wellbeing, nutritional or my specialty of leadership and executive development. So, if a client needs marital relationship coaching, I am not a candidate. There are far more skilled coaches in that field. It benefits you, as the potential client, to specifically know the type of support you are after when interviewing prospective coaches. 

Outcome Coaching. Clients are seeking out coaches who can help them gain the results they want and fast! However, ‘fast’ is not the recipe for attaining lasting and successful results through coaching. Realistic expectations must be explained by the coach, understood and agreed upon by the client. With the specified outcome the key focus in mind, results come over time. In order to provide the answers clients are looking for, coaches need to ensure they are focusing their energy on outcome-led coaching. It is important to remember that clients are paying for the transformation that can be brought to their lives as a result of working with a particular coach. All communications should be focused on what the client will gain by the end of the program so that they can clearly align their investment with the solution to their problem.

Coach/Client Matchmaking. I also call this a chemistry match. One of the best outcomes from 2020 is going to be a greater emphasis on coaches’ matchmaking the right clients according to their personalities along with their fields of expertise. Effective coaching for change will most likely delve into deeply private, personal and confidential areas of a professional and personal client’s life. 

To be successful it is imperative for the coach and client to be well matched. After an initial interview (on both sides, the client interviewing the coach and vice versa), both the client and coach will equally determine whether they should work together or not. This is clearly a win-win for both sides. For example, after the first few minutes of interviewing a prospective client I, along with most professionals, know whether this is the right client for me. Honesty upfront saves clients large fees and months of unproductive work down the line. 

It is a brand new year, filled with possibilities for change and attaining the goals you envision. Last year taught us that things can change rapidly. You mastered those changes and will continue to master others that lay before you this year. To do this I implore you to seek out the coach, consultant, mentor, therapist, minister or another advisor best suited for you. You no longer have to do it all on your own. And in many cases, you may not be equipped to find the best solutions to your challenges on your own. Wise leaders, executives and individuals know when to ask for help. My best to you for a phenomenally successful 2021.

Executive and Leadership Coach Ann Golden Eglé, MCC, has steered successful individuals to greater levels of success since 1998. Ann is President of Golden Visions & Associates, LLC, can be reached at 541-385-8887, ann@gvasuccess.com or GVAsuccess.com. Subscribe to Ann’s internationally acclaimed ‘Success Thoughts’ e-zine on her website.



About Author

Master Executive & Leadership Coach Ann Golden Eglé, MCC, has steered highly-successful individuals to greater results since 1998. President of Golden Visions & Associates, LLC, Ann can be reached at 541-385-8887 or subscribe to her newsletter at www.GVAsuccess.com.

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