Every third firm keeps track of staff’s employment at the computer. It’s a thankless task. But it’s necessary. Inactivity in the workplace costs organizations millions in losses. Another danger is employees leaking insider information. Preventing such situations is not difficult. Time trackers are here to help.
Accounting for the arrival and departure of employees
Every employee’s responsibility begins with discipline. If its violation becomes a rule of office life, further motivation in work decreases, it is postponed in favor of solving personal issues, project deadlines are disrupted. Which company owner is ready to sacrifice his business and pay the “morons” for a PC? Such people are unlikely to be found. You can rely on the self-discipline of your subordinates, but it’s not very effective. So consider the time – economic expediency.
So, to control the punctuality of the team, the performance of the norm / hour you can use these methods:
- to record the hours in the logbook of arrival/ departure;
- put turnstiles, video cameras;
- acquire biometric systems;
- introduce automated software.
Monitoring employee visits
The methods of control are fundamentally different. Only turnouts and no-shows are taken into account, or deviations such as overtime are recorded, or the standard hours are monitored. Analyzing their quality and fullness is the employer’s choice. Here we can talk about both the scheme of personal reports on tasks and automated timekeeping systems.
A simple but troublesome way to keep track of attendance is to log who crossed the office threshold at what time.
Turnstiles let people in one at a time, marking clean time by noticing those who left early, were late for a break, were late; combined with video surveillance, objectivity in staff observation will increase;
Biometric terminals are topical. A person’s fingerprint, a photo of his face, even an iris, etc. become a pass to the company, record the time of arrival, distinguish one’s own from outsiders.
But perhaps the palm of the hat in tracking employee attendance can be given to computer programs. They will record the arrival to work and the quality/productivity of the day. For example, Monitask takes a picture of the working day, synchronizing with turnstiles, IP-telephony, calendar. The service remembers all violations. A message with the report is sent to the manager by e-mail.
Monitoring of employee working hours
The team is assembled. Everyone is meticulous and precise to the minute. Passed the monitoring points on time. To stop at this stage of personnel monitoring means to do nothing for development. It is possible to be at your workplace formally, when the situation in the office is measured, comfortable for long tea-drinking and heart-to-heart talks. What to do?
- Have a team meeting at the beginning of the day or 15-20 minutes before.
- Hang a motivational board on which all the tasks completed during the day by a particular employee or the entire department, standards, and plans are noted. The board may be hung on the wall or installed in a PC. Disadvantage: Employees get distracted, a pop-up window on the screen every time reminding them that it is time to report back on how things are going. It’s annoying, time is spent filling out the board. And it is hardly possible to talk about objective statistics in such a situation.
- Oblige to make monthly, weekly, daily reports on offline activities. They can be multiplied ad infinitum. What was engaged in outside of being at the computer: was at a meeting, met with a client, conducted negotiations, delivered office supplies, etc. About this you can make reports, formulate phrases, but the direct work process stops. In large organisations, reporting becomes impossible to evaluate and analyse.
Monitoring the use of working time.
All time is expected to be equally fruitful, except of course for legalized breaks. Who manages to concentrate on their duties, not to succumb to the temptation to explore the rating videos on the Internet during working hours?
You should agree that there are few such steadfast soldiers. Management of companies have to monitor what their subordinates are busy. It is possible to prevent unpleasant mishaps with missed deadlines, failing projects. It is enough to structure tasks. In parallel, install automatic time recording programs in the computer. Undoubtedly, to obtain the consent of the personnel. And already together understand what percentage of their lives they spend on business tasks, and in what percentage they “procrastinate” with promises that tomorrow just begin to give 100%.
Automatic accounting of employees’ working time at the computer
What prevents employees from imitating vigorous activity at the PC, while productivity is approaching zero? What are they focused on – the interests of the enterprise or the needs of competitors? Screen monitoring software of time recording proved to be efficient. They signal irregularities instantly.
Employees should know about the existence oа software, understand the purpose of such control. Especially in companies that possess secret technologies and information. Leaking insider information is, alas, a terminology that has become a common business practice. Entrepreneurs of different levels face such situations.
In the fight for confidentiality, information security install software with remote administration of employees’ PCs.
Remote worker monitoring software
Sitting far away, I can see everything. This is how you can illustrate the capabilities of time management software. Controlling the team in the office is easy enough. It’s more difficult to communicate with remote colleagues. Although this experience of interaction is spreading exponentially. And the fear of not being able to organize freelancers among customers is reduced. Software products provide this. It provides digital data on the employment of “remote workers” and solves the problem of control:
- monitors the beginning and end of the day. When you turn on your PC, agent starts automatically and marks this moment as the start of the day. Accordingly, shutting down the computer is marked as the end of the day;
- tracks keystrokes and mouse clicks. If there is no signal from peripheral input devices for more than five minutes, the system records the absence of the technician. This makes it possible to count the number and duration of unplanned interruptions;
- records the active windows of programs and applications;
- analyzes traffic. The results of the day show which sites were visited by the employee – productive/unproductive.
Working under constant supervision, you might say, is difficult, stressful. But it’s worth remembering another feature: it is legal and does not violate human rights. All personal correspondence, information, passwords will remain untouched. The program will only encourage self-organization, increase personal efficiency, and address tasks in a timely manner. Both the manager and the performer will be satisfied.