Several Bend neighborhoods have successfully connected to public sewer through the Septic to Sewer Conversion Program which allows people to convert from private septic systems to City sewer service and is funded through utility rates.
The Via Sandia, East Lake, and Orion neighborhoods in southeast Bend applied to the program and were approved for funding in early 2020. The project allowed 42 homeowners to decommission their aging septic systems and connect to public sewer. Sewer construction began in March 2021 and was completed in August 2021, ahead of schedule and within budget.
The Septic to Sewer Conversion Program is an ongoing effort allowing residents to apply annually to complete a sewer project in an area where properties are currently served by private onsite septic systems. Some residents are converting to sewer because their privately-owned septic systems are failing. Others are connecting because it allows them to develop their properties further, as improvements on properties with septic systems are limited.
As the City continues to grow, more neighborhoods are applying to the program. If you are interested in learning more or applying to the program, visit
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