September AdBite Features Messaging Strategy with Ryan Buchanan, CEO and Matt Popkes, Strategy Team Leader from eROI


buchananryanpopkesmattWe’ve all had it beaten into our skulls that we need to go big, scale, reach the most people the fastest. In this discussion, you will learn to start with ONE core person and completely customize your email and social message to that person. This is an interactive workshop where the audience will be getting into groups to co-create and compete for the winning persona.

Ryan Buchanan, CEO and Matt Popkes, Strategy Team Leader from eROI. eROI is a digital marketing agency based in Portland, Oregon. They create online marketing campaigns that integrate email, mobile, social, and websites.

Sept 25 11:30am-1pm at St. Charles Bend [Please note AdBite is on a Wednesday this month.]


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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