Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) — Public Comment Period Open —
The Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Policy Board will consider amendments to the 2021-24 Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) upon a 20-day public comment period. The meeting will be held on January 18, 2022. The amendments will be considered at a public meeting of the Bend MPO Policy Board. Public Comment can be provided via email to or during public comment at the Bend MPO Policy Board meeting.
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Summary of Amendments (PDF document of this notice).
Project Key Number | Project Name | Proposed Project Total | Amendment Type | Amendment Decision Date (MPO) | Change Reason |
21667 | US20: Ward / Hamby Rd. Intersection | $6,002,890 | Full Amendment | 1/18/2022 | Increase Construction by $689,890. Total project cost from $3,900,000 to $4,589,890 due to bid cost increased. ODOT Safety Funds were used for this increase. |
21229 | US97 and US20 Bend North Corridor | $121,951,613 | Full Amendment | 1/18/2022 | Add $13M in Right of Way (RW) from the INFRA Grant and HB2017 funds. These funds were discussed with prior amendments and approved at $50M for HB2017 and $60M in INFRA grant funds, grant funds have a 40% match obligation. |
21489 | US20: 3rd St – 15th St (Greenwood, Bend) | $4,875,093 | Full Amendment | 1/18/2022 | Add a total of $1.95 Million ($975,000 in Right of Way & Preliminary Engineering and $975,000 for Construction) from ODOT ADA funds due to increased costs of ADA ramps along the corridor. |