The first time I saw someone playing roulette, I was seven years old, and I remember thinking how cool it was that you could just put money on the table and watch it spin around before settling on a number. Now I play roulette all the time, because there are some sneaky tips and tricks that actually help you win more often than you lose. Here are five tricks that have helped me to win at roulette again and again, so you can become an expert player too! Just follow my (kubet) simple instructions and you’ll be winning in no time.

#1 – Never play with your own money

If you’re playing with your own money, you’re more likely to make emotional decisions. You might be inclined to chase your losses or make rash bets in an attempt to win back what you’ve lost. This is a recipe for disaster. Stick to playing with chips or play money so that you can keep a clear head and stick to your strategy.

#2 – Set Limits on What You Will & Won’t Do

Before you start playing roulette, it’s important to set limits on what you are and aren’t willing to do. This will help you avoid making rash decisions that could cost you money. For example, you might want to set a limit on how much money you are willing to bet per spin. Or, you might want to set a limit on how long you are willing to play. Once you have set your limits, stick to them!

#3 – Stick with Your Game

The game of roulette is one that’s easy to walk away from if you’re not careful. It’s also easy to get caught up in the moment and make decisions that you wouldn’t normally make. That’s why it’s important to have a plan and stick with it. Know how much you’re willing to lose, and stick to that number. Walk away when you reach your limit. And most importantly, don’t chase your losses.

#4 – Know When You Are About To Lose

Roulette is a game of chance, which means that there is no guaranteed way to win. However, there are some things you can do to improve your chances of winning. One of the most important is to know when you are about to lose. This can help you save money and walk away with your winnings intact.

#5 – Practice Makes Perfect

The best way to win at roulette is to practice. There are plenty of online roulette games that you can play for free, giving you the opportunity to get a feel for the game and hone your skills. Once you’re confident in your abilities, you can start playing for real money.


If you want to win at roulette, there’s no guarantee that any of these tips will work. But if you’re looking for a way to give yourself a better chance of winning, these five tips are a good place to start. Just remember that the house always has an edge, so don’t bet more than you can afford to lose.


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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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