Get ready for one of the biggest women’s parties in town. On May 10, 10am-4:30pm at the Riverhouse Convention Center, women can take a break from their busy schedules to join their girlfriends, daughters and mothers for a truly spectacular event—Bend’s first annual Women’s Business Expo. This is an opportunity to not only network with other women, but to attend a seminar, do some shopping (or selling), and maybe even win a prize or two! In addition, the first 200 people to walk through the doors will receive a goodie bag.
This all-day expo will feature:
• 52 booths (Can you say retail therapy? Manicures and facials? Chocolate and wine tastings?)
• Four informative and/or inspirational seminars throughout the day covering business, marketing and lifestyle. Workshops will include:
More Buzz, More Business with Lisa Smith of 7-Touch Marketing—Learn how to use social media strategically to get real business results, and how to do it in less than 15 minutes a day.
Leadership in Extreme Environments with Emilie Cortes of Call of the Wild Adventures—what we can learn from the extreme world of high altitude mountaineering to help us climb the mountains we face every day.
• Giveaways and prizes
• And fun, fun, fun, along with priceless networking and connecting, of course.
Admission is $4. Money raised from the admission fees will be donated to Volunteer Connect. You can get free admission with a donation of one to two toiletry items such as deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, bar soap, toilet paper, etc (items must be brand new.) These will be donated to Bethlehem Inn and The Giving Plate.
The cost of a booth is only $125 for ConnectW members or $150 for non-members (with an extra $10 charge if you want to hang a banner)., 541- 848-8598.