7 Ways to Save Money on Your Plumbing System in Colorado


Your plumbing system makes life extremely convenient. It’s what enables you to use time-saving appliances, like the dishwasher, you can get hot water on demand for a shower, and it makes a trip to the bathroom quick and easy.

But when it’s not working right, it can really wreak havoc on your home. Repairs can be expensive too.

Here are seven ways to save money on your plumbing system that will ensure you keep everything in tip-top shape without breaking the bank.

Hire a Local Company

One of the easiest ways to keep your plumbing systems flowing is to hire a plumber when something goes wrong, but who you hire matters.

Hire a local Loveland plumber if you want to save money. Local companies are almost always more cost-effective than large, nationally-known companies. They are a little less likely to work on commission, and when you hire locally, you keep your money in your community.

Compare Prices

Whether you’re considering hiring a local company or a nationally-known company, it’s important to compare prices.

The cost of hiring a plumber can vary widely depending on experience and the type of repair that’s needed. You could find a plumber at the relatively affordable rate of $25-50, but you could also find plumbers that charge $100 or more per hour.

Call around and ask for plumbing companies to provide you with an hourly quote. You should also ask them if they offer quotes for certain services, like installing water heaters.

Strive to compare prices for at least three plumbing companies in your area. If you aren’t sure who to call, ask your friends and family for recommendations. Armed with multiple quotes, you’re able to make an informed choice about who you should hire.

Maintain Your Plumbing Systems

You don’t always have to call a plumber, and that’s a good thing! There are things you can do to maintain your plumbing systems yourself so you don’t have to pay a professional for problems down the road.

A few things you can do to maintain your plumbing system include:

  • Know what you can and can’t flush down the toilet
  • Watch what you put in the garbage disposal
  • Keep your drains clear with an approved cleaner
  • Flush your water heater at least once a year
  • Turn off outdoor fixtures in the winter
  • Fix leaky faucets and showerheads

If you’re unable to maintain your plumbing systems yourself, call in a plumber to do it for you. It’s always more affordable to pay a plumber to keep your systems in tip-top shape than it is to hire one after a problem has developed.

Reduce the Project Time

Because plumbers generally work at an hourly rate, you have the opportunity to save some money if you’re able to reduce the amount of time your project takes.

Do some of the prep work yourself. Clean out the areas where the plumber will be working and be willing to clean up after they are done. You might also want to have certain tools on hand, like a plunger, or you might want to disconnect the power supply from the garbage disposal.

It can also be extremely helpful if your plumber only has to make one call. Make a list of all the items you want the plumber to address so they can do it all at once. It saves time when they get to your home, but it also cuts down on costs if you’ve hired a plumber who charges for each house call.

Buy Your Own Supplies

Most plumbers are more than happy to sell you the items they are going to install. There’s no denying that it can be a convenient way to get a replacement, but it isn’t always the most cost effective.

For example, the average water heater installation can cost as little as $1,600 or as much as $5,400, depending on the type of water heater you choose. If you trust your plumber to buy it, they could end up buying the more expensive option, especially if they work on commission.

Save yourself a little bit of money by purchasing your own supplies, whether it’s a water heater, a garbage disposal, or a new faucet. Then, they can install it for you.

Use Water-Saving Fixtures and Appliances

Water-saving fixtures can be a great way to save some money. A faucet that has the WaterSense label is able to reduce your sink’s water flow by 30 percent or more without any impact to its performance. You can also find showerheads that save water, as well as appliances, like washing machines and dishwashers.

Not only will you save money upfront by operating water-saving fixtures and appliances, but it can also reduce wear and tear. It can reduce wear and tear on water disposal systems and plumbing too, and the less wear and tear your systems experience, the less frequently they need to be repaired or replaced.

Fix it at the First Sign of Trouble

When a drain isn’t draining quite as fast as it should or the plumbing underneath your sink is a little drippy, it’s easy to put it at the bottom of your to-do list. It doesn’t seem like an emergency in the moment, but that little annoyance can turn into an emergency if you aren’t careful.

Small issues can be signs of a larger problem, or they can lead to larger problems if not addressed right away. A drain can back up and cause flooding in the basement, while a drippy pipe can freeze and burst, especially during a cold Colorado winter. Call a plumber or make the repair yourself as soon as you see there’s a problem to save money on a more serious repair later.

Modern plumbing systems make life a lot more convenient. That is, until something goes wrong. With the tips on this list, you can stay on top of your plumbing system so that a repair or a replacement doesn’t end up draining your bank account.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. CascadeBusNews.com • CBN@CascadeBusNews.com

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