BMPO Notice of Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) Amendments


The Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization (BMPO) Policy Board will consider approval of four amendments to the MTIP at their next meeting, on September 20, 2024, at 12pm. One of the proposed amendments includes changes to five projects. Public comments can be submitted via email for the next three weeks to, or during Public Comment at the hybrid (in-person/online) BMPO Policy Board meeting.

In-person meeting information, including a Zoom link to attend online, will be posted to the BMPO Policy Board webpage one week prior to the meeting date.

Summary of Amendments

AMENDMENT NUMBER PROJECT KEY NUMBER Project Name & Description Proposed Project TotAl Changes
 24-27-1485  23720 Oregon Transportation Network – COIC FFY25. Urbanized public transit capital funding for federal fiscal year 2025. Funds will be transferred to Federal Transit Administration (FTA) for delivery. Projects and programs to be determined based on funding requirements.  $345,481 Create new project to match program allocations.
 24-27-1515  22051 Oregon Transportation Network – COIC FFY24. Urbanized public transit capital funding for federal fiscal year 2024. Funds will be transferred to FTA for delivery. Projects and programs to be determined based on funding requirements.  $273,662 Update project name from Deschutes Co to COIC. Decrease Other (OT) by $236,059. Slip OT to 25.
24-27-1667 23735 US97: Romaine Village Way to Lava Butte. This project will repave US97 between Romaine Village Way south of Bend to Lava Butte. This section of highway is a key route in connecting communities and visitors to the Deschutes National Forest and popular recreation destinations accessed of off US97.  $900,000 Add project, funding from Western Federal Lands.
24-27-1686 21977 Enhanced Mobility S&ID – COIC FFY23. Enhanced mobility small urban program funding to improve transportation services to the special needs, seniors, and other transit-dependent populations in rural areas. State administration included. $355,250 Increase the project by $132,750 to match the FTA grant. Update project name to “Enhanced Mobility S&ID – COIC FFY23”. Add “State administration included” to project description. Slip the project to start in federal fiscal year 2025.
24-27-1686 21987 Enhanced Mobility S&ID – COIC FFY24. Enhanced mobility small urban program funding to improve transit services to the special needs, seniors, and other transit-dependent populations in rural areas. State administration included. $398,344 Increase the project by $170,844 to match the FTA grant. Update project name to “Enhanced Mobility S&ID – COIC FFY24”. Add “State administration included” to project description. Slip the project to start in federal fiscal year 2025.
24-27-1686 22955 Enhanced Mobility S&ID – COIC FFY25. Enhanced mobility small urban program funding to improve transit services to the special needs, seniors, and other transit-dependent populations in rural areas. State administration included. $428,750 Increase the project by $125,879 to match the FTA grant. Update project name to “Enhanced Mobility S&ID – COIC FFY25”. Add “State administration included” to project description.
24-27-1686 22968 Enhanced Mobility S&ID – COIC FFY26. Enhanced mobility small urban program funding to improve transit services to the special needs, seniors, and other transit-dependent populations in rural areas. State administration included. $428,750 Increase the project by $112,576 to match the FTA grant. Update project name to “Enhanced Mobility S&ID – COIC FFY26”. Add “State administration included” to project description.
24-27-1686 22979 Enhanced Mobility S&ID – COIC FFY27. Enhanced mobility small urban program funding to improve transit services to the special needs, seniors, and other transit-dependent populations in rural areas. State administration included. $428,750 Increase the project by $98,196 to match the FTA grant. Update project name to “Enhanced Mobility S&ID – COIC FFY27”. Add “State administration included” to project description.

*S&ID: seniors and individuals with disabilities. 

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Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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