Building Success Together


The Power of Collaboration in Central Oregon’s SMB Community

A Personal Inspiration

My journey toward writing this article began with a personal encounter. As an advisor, I learned that a young entrepreneur was unaware of the many resources and collaborative groups available to support her business. This experience highlighted a need for more awareness of these resources, not only for aspiring entrepreneurs but also for established SMBs at various stages of their journey.

Learning from Neighbors

One significant benefit of collaboration is the ability to learn from neighboring cities. Businesses in Sisters can leverage the successful strategies of companies in Bend or Redmond. For example, a retail store in Sisters might adopt inventory management practices from a successful retailer in Bend, or a tech startup in Prineville might emulate the customer service strategies of a tech firm in Redmond. By learning from each other, these businesses can avoid common pitfalls and accelerate their growth trajectories. The collective wisdom of neighboring markets provides a repository of practical knowledge that can be adapted to suit local conditions.

Resources for Growth

Central Oregon offers a robust network of resources designed to support SMBs. Organizations like BBSI (Barrett Business Services), Economic Development for Central Oregon (EDCO), local Chambers of Commerce, SCORE, Oregon State University Cascades, and Central Oregon Community College provide essential services that bolster business development.

The Rise of Vertical Industry Associations

In addition to general support resources, Central Oregon has seen growth in vertical industry associations. These organizations focus on specific sectors, offering specialized resources, networking opportunities, and sector-specific best practices. For example, an association for tech startups in Central Oregon might organize regular meetups, workshops, and conferences that address the latest trends and technologies in the industry. These events provide valuable opportunities for businesses to learn from experts, share experiences, and explore new market opportunities.

Similarly, an association for the outdoor recreation industry could provide members with insights into new market trends, regulatory changes, and best practices for sustainable business operations. These associations also help businesses address common industry-specific challenges, such as supply chain management or regulatory compliance, by offering tailored support and resources.

By connecting with others in their industry, SMBs can collaborate on joint ventures, share resources, and support each other’s growth. The specialized focus of vertical industry associations fosters a sense of community and shared purpose, leading to more dynamic and resilient economic sectors.

The Role of County Libraries

County libraries are often overlooked as business development resources. They provide access to business databases, industry reports, and market research tools, along with hosting workshops and seminars. Libraries also offer meeting spaces and networking events, creating opportunities for businesses to connect with one another and with potential clients. This collaborative environment fosters a sense of community and shared purpose, further enhancing the region’s economic vitality.

Economic Vitality Through Collaboration

The cumulative effect of these collaborative efforts is a more dynamic and resilient local economy. As SMBs share knowledge, resources, and support, they contribute to the overall economic health of Central Oregon. This interconnected approach helps to attract new businesses, retain existing ones, and create job opportunities.

Case Studies of Successful Collaboration

To illustrate the power of collaboration, consider these examples:

  • A partnership between a local brewery and a sustainable farming cooperative: The brewery sources its ingredients locally, supporting the farmers while also promoting the region’s agricultural heritage.
  • A collaboration between a tech startup and a local university: The university provides the startup with access to research facilities and student interns, while the startup contributes to the university’s innovation ecosystem.
  • A joint marketing campaign by a group of small retailers in a downtown district: By pooling their resources, the retailers can create a more impactful marketing campaign that benefits all businesses.

Challenges and Opportunities

While collaboration offers numerous benefits, it also presents challenges. One common hurdle is the fear of competition. Some businesses may hesitate to share information or collaborate with rivals. However, it’s important to recognize that collaboration can strengthen businesses and reduce competition. By working together, businesses can create a more vibrant and competitive local economy.

Another challenge is finding the right partners. Businesses need to identify other companies that share their values and goals. Networking events, industry associations, and online platforms can be helpful in finding potential collaborators.

Overcoming Obstacles

To overcome these challenges, businesses should:

  • Foster a culture of trust and openness: Building trust among businesses is essential for successful collaborations.
  • Clearly define goals and expectations: Having a shared understanding of the goals and expectations of the collaboration can help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
  • Allocate resources effectively: Collaborations require time, effort, and resources. Businesses need to allocate these resources appropriately to ensure the success of the partnership.
  • Communicate regularly and effectively: Open and honest communication is essential for maintaining a healthy collaborative relationship.


In Central Oregon, the value of SMB collaboration is evident in the vibrant, thriving business community. By leveraging the best practices of neighboring cities, accessing local resources, engaging with vertical industry associations, and fostering a spirit of mutual support, businesses in this region are not only achieving individual success but also contributing to a collective economic vitality. As Central Oregon continues to attract new entrepreneurs and businesses, the power of collaboration will remain a key driver of regional prosperity and innovation.


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