Conversation Creates Community


When we live on a round planet I don’t think we can afford to choose sides. Most would probably agree with me that our world has become more polarized than ever before. When we are polarized is it almost impossible to see the merits of the “other side” and the “other side” always has some virtues. Today’s political climate is a perfect example. Most of the grid lock we find in Congress is because politicians rarely sit down and just have a respectful conversation. Unfortunately this can also be experienced on a local level with different business, political and public sector organizations. I have always thought that it is easier to have an aversion to someone from afar, while it is hard to have those same feelings when you are sitting across the table from that same person having a cup of coffee.

I believe being against something only weakens us and being for something empowers us. Rather than be against terrorism we can shift our thoughts to being for peace and cooperation. Rather than waging a war on drugs maybe it would be more effective to focus on a drug-free America.

The City Club of Central Oregon was formed in 2007 to help break down barriers with the notion that conversation creates community. When one moves to Central Oregon many must think each family is issued a Subaru Outback, Black Lab and flip flops from the Chamber. Maybe we should also be urged to give back? If there is one common denominator among the City Club’s membership it’s that members are motivated to improve our Central Oregon community. We live in such an amazing place that it deserves to be created by design rather than by default and I feel we have a deep responsibility to participate in civic organizations that make a difference in our community. The City Club is certainly one of those entities. It is the place to have the conversation and discuss important international, national, statewide and local issues that affect us all and yet do so in a spirit of respect for open dialogue and opinions that may be very different from our own. It is ok to agree to disagree.

City Club aspires to accomplish this by hosting monthly non-partisan forums with speakers who inspire respectful, productive dialogue and offer diverse perspectives to encourage positive change in Central Oregon. They are held over a warm lunch at the St Charles Auditorium on the third Thursday of each month from 11:30am-1pm.

Since its start, the City Club has brought our community together in more than 100 forums, dialogs and debates to explore the most critical topics relating to the region. Membership is open to every community member and has been expanding significantly. As a sound financial organization, City Club brought their valued executive Director, Joey Drucker from a part time to a full time position in July. Bend Broadband televises the live forums on COTV.

We have volunteer based membership, marketing and program committees that play an instrumental role in ensuring that each forum is the best it can be. Please keep in mind that we are not called the City Blub of Bend. As the City Club of Central Oregon we attract members from all over the tri county area.

Speakers are asked to share their viewpoints on timely and important policy issues so that our members may learn and, in the process, become informed and involved community citizens. Questions from the membership play an integral part in each forum’s design. Some of our recent forums have included: Our next forum is scheduled for Thursday, September 18th. The topic will be A Values-Based Introduction to the proposed UGB Expansion. Our October 16th topic is The Marijuana Ballot Initiative Conversation: Why You Might Choose to Vote YES; Why You Might Choose to Vote NO.

Communication is a miracle but when used effectively it can move mountains. To learn more about the City Club of Central Oregon, please visit or find us on Facebook and Twitter.

David Rosell is a founding member and Past President of the City Club of Central Oregon. He is President of Rosell Wealth Management in Bend and the author of Failure is Not an Option- Creating Certainty in the Uncertainty of Retirement.


About Author

David Rosell is president of Rosell Wealth Management in Bend. He is the author of three books. Find David’s books at local bookstores, Amazon, Audible as well as Redmond Airport. Investment advisory services offered through Valmark Advisers, Inc. an SEC Registered Investment Advisor Securities offered through Valmark Securities, Inc. Member FINRA, SIPC 130 Springside Drive, Ste. 300 Akron, Ohio 44333-2431. 800-765-5201. Rosell Wealth Management is a separate entity from Valmark Securities, Inc. and Valmark Advisers, Inc. Valmark Securities supervises all life settlements like a security transaction and its’ registered representatives act as brokers on the transaction and may receive a fee from the purchaser. Once a policy is transferred, the policy owner has no control over subsequent transfers and may be required to disclosure additional information later. If a continued need for coverage exists, the policy owner should consider the availability, adequacy and cost of the comparable coverage. A life settlement transaction may require an extended period to complete and result in higher costs and fees due to their complexity. Policy owners considering the need for cash should consider other less costly alternatives. A life settlement may affect the insured’s ability to obtain insurance in the future and the seller’s eligibility for certain public assistance programs. When an individual decides to sell their policy, they must provide complete access to their medical history, and other personal information. Client name has been changed to protect confidentiality. The gross offer will be reduced by commissions and expenses related to the sale. Each client’s experience varies, and there is no guarantee that a life settlement will generate an offer greater than the current cash surrender value.

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