Based in the historic town of Briarcliff Manor, New York, just north of New York City, Agera Energy is spearheading a new approach to environmentally friendly workspaces throughout the nation. Specializing in the supply of natural gas and electricity, Agera has earned praise throughout the business world for its focus on reducing carbon footprints, promoting sustainability and undertaking numerous eco-friendly efforts.
Agera Energy does much more than merely encouraging companies to be conscious of the environment. Agera takes the initiative by stimulating its own employees to take steps to help the environment in all of their daily activities. The ultimate goal is to preserve a clean and natural planet for the benefit of future generations.
As a result of its eco-friendly achievements, Agera Energy earned the distinction of becoming a Certified Green Business in Westchester County in 2016. Agera achieved the environmental honor after succeeding in the Westchester Green Business Challenge, which was designed to inspire companies to make their operations greener.
Officials with Agera Energy point out that making your workplace operations more sustainable can be done quite easily. They have outlined a series of simple steps that virtually any office can take to help save the planet.
For instance, Agera encourages all workplaces to install LED lighting, which is more environmentally sound than traditional bulbs, throughout their facilities. When Agera adopted LED lighting in its own headquarters, which covers 12,000 square feet, the firm saw dramatic results. According to company officials, Agera shrunk its carbon footprint by more than 420 tons of carbon dioxide after installing LED lights. That figure roughly represents the amount of energy used each year by 76 typical homes.
As an added bonus, diligent employees can save even more energy by making sure to turn off the lights in conference rooms, hallways and other office areas when they are not in use.
Another way in which companies can save energy entails paying closer attention to the indoor temperature at the office throughout the day. Particularly in buildings with large windows, offices can easily become hot and stuffy on sunny days. One tip offered by Agera is to install film covers on all glass windows to lower the levels of solar heat. In its own Westchester County headquarters, Agera paid special attention to the windows that face south on its building. A cursory review of any office building should reveal which windows are most susceptible to sunlight throughout the workday.
In the company kitchen, Agera Energy took the clever step of placing thermostats inside the refrigerators to help ensure they are running at ideal temperatures.
Organizing recycling efforts is another way companies can build more sustainable operations. While participating in the Westchester Green Business Challenge, Agera added recycling bins to every room in the entire office building. This ensures that aluminum cans, glass bottles and all types of paper make their way to the recycling process.
Many companies find they waste tremendous amounts of paper throughout work hours. To reduce paper waste, Agera Energy unsubscribed from as many junk email lists as possible. Employees also try to avoid printing documents unless it is absolutely necessary.
Finally, reducing bottled water use can go a long way in making an eco-friendly statement. Agera issued each employee a reusable bottle, which is free of BPA, to use for drinking. The company also installed a state-of-the-art water filtration system for drinking water. As a result, it has avoided the use of thousands of disposable plastic water bottles.
Agera encourages all workplaces to examine their offices and take similar steps whenever possible.