Electromagnetic shielding is considered to be a valuable process of controlling and reducing the electromagnetic field or action that is produced by non-electrical sources. These electromagnetic fields are converted from electrical energy to chemical energy. However, the emf shielding canopies help in reducing these energy forces in a specific area with the help of a barricade.
People who prefer buying EMF shielding bed canopies are able to protect themselves from most of the electromagnetic radiation. These canopies not only provide a safe and secure haven for people to sleep but also provide them with a chance of having a more peaceful and healthy sleep.
In this article, we will describe what exactly an electromagnetic shielding bed canopy is and why do you need one for your bedroom.
What Is An EMF Shielding Bed Canopy?
Similar to any normal bed canopy, an EMF one also consists of a large piece of specially designed fabric that entirely covers the whole bed. The only difference between a normal canopy and an EMF one is of its fabric. Almost all EMF canopies are made with a large percentage of silver that is combined with various fabrics including cotton and polyesters, such as, natural, blocsilver, and daylight. The huge quantity of silver in the canopy allows it to block the EMF radiations and frequencies to the maximum level.
An EMF canopy is made up of a special material that holds the ability to block electromagnetic radiations and frequencies. The main purpose of using an EMF canopy is to protect oneself from the extremely harmful radiation that can damage an individual’s health. Excessive exposure to the levels of EMF can lead up to unhealthy elements for the human body that includes:
- Aging
- Arrhythmia
- Cancer
- Headaches
- Hormonal imbalances
- Joint pain
- Weight gain
Why You Should Have An EMF Bed Canopy?
It is considered that human bodies are not only vulnerable but they also keep adapting to change. They are especially vulnerable at night as few processes and changes in the human body take place at night such as reproduction of cells, detoxification of blood, and immunization strength to fight illnesses and diseases.
These are a few reasons why people should protect themselves during sleep as sleep itself is considered as a very important and significant factor in improving health.
Furthermore, a study conducted by the University of Melbourne showed that the electromagnetic radiations coming from the devices such as our phones, electric meters, various types of unseen signals such as WIFI, towers, etc are extremely harmful and delays the ability of our body to reproduce and maintain accurate levels of melatonin.
In addition, melatonin is one of the effective hormones in our bodies that regulates and maintains the quality and quantity of sleep an individual is able to get. It is also considered to be the hormone that improves libido, wards off diseases such as cancer and fights aging abilities. Our bodies start to lose melatonin with the presence of EMF frequencies.
Having an EMF bed canopy is really helpful in letting people sleep restfully and healthily.
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