Announcing Teen & Youth Volunteer Program


(Photo courtesy of Think Wild)

Think Wild is thrilled to offer a new volunteer opportunity tailored for youth volunteers!

  • Get an exclusive peek into wildlife rehabilitation
  • Learn about the wildlife hospital
  • Play a vital role in improving the lives and outcomes of wildlife patients
  • Learn about wildlife coexistence
  • Meet our ambassador animal

Our Teen and Youth Volunteer Program will meet twice a month for a variety of hands-on activities aligned with Think Wild’s mission to inspire our community to care for and protect native wildlife.

Teen and Youth Volunteer Activities Include:

  • Assisting in diet preparation for wildlife patients and ambassador animals
  • Tending to our native pollinator garden
  • Crafting enrichment activities for our furry friends
  • Maintaining the cleanliness of our facility
  • Preparing educational materials and programs
  • Engaging with the community at local events and businesses
  • Contributing to fundraising efforts
  • And much more!

Teen and youth volunteers will meet…

  • First Wednesday of each month from 3-5pm
  • Second Sunday of each month from 1-3pm

Volunteers are encouraged to attend at least once a month and both days if possible.

The program starts on Sunday, April 14. Special additional opportunities may become available!

Learn more and sign up!

Join our Think Wild Monthly Giving Community!

Subscribe to be a monthly donor to Think Wild and help support our mission to care for and protect native wildlife through education, conservation, rescue, and rehabilitation.

 Why be a monthly donor?

  • Easy to sign up for monthly payments
  • Processes automatically each month — great for budgeting!
  • Contribute to the longevity of our work
  • Small donations each add up to make a big impact for native wildlife

We are updating our monthly giving program — new and returning monthly donors will soon have access to exclusive events and updates!

Become a Monthly Donor


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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