Area Credit Unions Fund Youth Bullying & Suicide Prevention Efforts

(Photo above: Credit Unions Working Together present a check for $10,000 to Younity for anti-bullying and suicide prevention programs. From left: Kyle Frick, Mid Oregon Credit Union; Stephen Wymer, OnPoint Community Credit Union; Wayne Hanson, Mid Oregon Credit Union; Arlene Gibson, Younity; Hailey Beckwith (a recent Challenge Days participant), student at Obsidian Middle School; Wendy Graunitz, OnPoint Community Credit Union; Jeff Ludeman, SELCO Community Credit Union, and Matt Nicasio, First Community Credit Union. Not Pictured: Tricia Wanous, Oregonians Credit Union)

In response to a recent uptick in local teen suicides, area credit unions have joined forces to help make a difference for young people in Central Oregon. As part of its fundraising efforts in conjunction with the annual Drake Park Rotary Duck Race, Credit Unions Working Together has presented Younity with a check for $10,000 to fund a series of Challenge Days to combat bullying and teen suicide in local middle and high schools.

The funding provided by Credit Unions Working Together will provide Challenge Day programs at four local schools in the spring of 2018, to a total of 600 students.

Credit Unions Working Together is a coalition of local credit union employees and executives who cooperate to raise funds for local community efforts. The coalition includes Mid Oregon Credit Union, OnPoint Community Credit Union, First Community Credit Union, SELCO Community Credit Union and Oregonians Credit Union.

“As credit unions, our members expect us to take an active role in the communities we serve, and issues affecting the health of local families always take highest priority,” says Kyle Frick, VP Marketing for Mid Oregon Credit Union. “We believed we had a unique opportunity to respond quickly to this critical issue affecting young people in our community. I’d like to thank our partner credit unions, as well as our local Rotary Clubs for their partnership in providing this opportunity. We’re delighted that we can help Younity provide its award-winning program to even more local students.”

Younity is a Central Oregon-based nonprofit celebrating its 10th year of operations, dedicated to helping students, parents and teachers effectively respond to bullying by providing bully-awareness and prevention programs and events to youth and adults throughout Central Oregon, including the award-winning Challenge Day (developed for middle and high school students) and our own Inspiration Day program (developed for elementary school-aged youth).  An entirely volunteer-driven program with no paid employees, Younity funds, supports and conducts workshops that:

Teach—youth and adult participants how to effectively respond to bullying in its many forms.
Help—participants discover their own self power, become more aware of their actions.
Develop—greater compassion in the way they treat others.


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