Bend Cultural Tourism Fund Grants a Total of $125,000 to Bend Arts & Cultural Organizations


The Bend Cultural Tourism Fund (BCTF), established by Visit Bend, awarded nine organizations grants to draw more people to Bend. The BCTF received 17 applications for its 2015 inaugural grant cycle, with the requested amount totaling $436,010. The Bend Cultural Tourism Commission awarded a total amount of $125,000 to BendFilm-$26,000, Deschutes River Amphitheater-$15,750, High Desert Museum-$15,750, Atelier 6000-$13,500, Deschutes County Historical Society-$12,000, Tower Theatre-$11,000, ScaleHouse-$11,000, Deschutes Public Library Foundation-$11,000 and World Muse-$9,000.

The BCTF, a grant program dedicated to enhancing the local economy and cultivating the City’s cultural tourism attractions, was approved by voters in November 2013. The intent is to help attract cultural tourists during the shoulder seasons and winter months, when cultural tourism organizations are most active.

The measure increased the Bend lodging tax rate from 9 percent to 10.4 percent by June 1, 2015. Visit Bend funds the BCTF with 7.5 percent of Visit Bend’s total annual public funding received from the City of Bend. Granting decisions are made by the Bend Cultural Tourism Commission – an independent, broad and diverse commission that represents Bend’s arts and tourism industries.

More than $100,000 annually was expected to be generated from the additional revenue establishing a cultural tourism fund providing grants for Bend’s arts organizations. This past February estimate, however, was that BTCF would have about $104,400 to grant for FY 15, which exceeded the budget of $85,000 by +$19,400 (+22.8 percent). So the total of $125,000 was a welcome increase.

The largest amount went to BendFilm, “to raise our visibility in the crowded festival landscape,” said Todd Looby, executive director of BendFilm. “The BCTF will do so much to grow Bend’s reputation as a top-notch cultural destination and we are honored to be included. Thank you to all who worked on this initiative to make Bend an even better place to visit and to live!”
BendFilm will produce its 12th film festival presenting local, regional and national filmmakers and jurors this October.

ScaleHouse, in receiving their award, said, “Monday marked a milestone for Bend’s tourism and the region’s art community. The Bend Cultural Tourism Fund awarded $125,000 to nine local organizations to enrich and cultivate Bend’s arts and cultural assets and establish Bend as a premier cultural tourism destination. We are thrilled to be one of the nine organizations awarded funding to start Bend’s very own Design Conference.”

ScaleHouse will create Bend Design Conference, an inaugural event which will present award-winning, nationally recognized thought-leaders to showcase design as a promising cultural and economic resource.

All of the grant recipients have the goal of enhancing the local economy by increasing visitors to Bend and highlighting arts and culture in the City.

Les Schwab Amphitheater, (the Deschutes River Amphitheater), will promote several of their concerts to specific out of the area markets that have shown strong interest in the Bend area, increasing visitor traffic.

The High Desert Museum will mount an exhibit, Arts for the People, which will make art and culture accessible to contemporary audiences by revisiting the prolific, interdisciplinary programs of the Great Depression. Atelier 6000 will present their art exhibit of eminent photographer Edward Curtis and produce several related events, attracting a broad audience.

The Deschutes County Historical Society will prepare a major exhibit on the history of Nordic skiing and the Deschutes Public Library Foundation will continue its literary Author! Author! Series presenting renowned author Timothy Egan.

World Muse will produce its fourth Muse Conference connecting attendees from near and far with locally and internationally recognized artists, activists and social change leaders to celebrate international Women’s Day and kick-off Women’s History Month.

For more information on the makeup of the Commission, and its policies and procedures, go to


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