We are excited to announce the Eighth Annual Bend Bike Swap! The Bend Bike Swap is a free admission, three day event, starting on April 23 and ending on April 25 where we offer an assortment of bikes and cycling accessories for all while making customer service and COVID-19 safety a high priority. This event is organized by the Bend Endurance Academy and will be hosted outside by Thump Coffee Roasters in Northwest Crossing.
Save the Dates!
March 1 – April 17: Item Registration – Online Only
Friday, April 23, 2021 from 10:30am-4pm: Item Check-In
Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 10am-4:30pm: SALE!
Sunday, April 25, 2021 from 10am-12pm: Unsold Item Pick-Up
Thump Coffee Roasters
549 NW York Ave., Bend
The Bend Bike Swap was originally created by Ryan McGlone from Boneyard Cycling with the sole purpose of giving back to the local community. McGlone brought together volunteers from Boneyard cycling, local bike shops, and passionate cyclists. Starting in 2018, Ann Leitheiser from the Bend Endurance Academy (BEA) has organized this growing event to continue the tradition that was brought forth by McGlone.
“The Bend Bike Swap is a community service,” Leitheiser stated. “The community can come to this event and find a variety of bikes for affordable prices. It’s also a bit of a celebration of spring as a lot of us transition from sliding on snow to spending more time on two wheels. As a Bend community member, I want to keep the Bend Bike Swap grass roots. Yes, the event benefits BEA, but it’s important for us to promote cycling in our city and to leverage the swap to make outdoor sports more accessible through our programs.”
Leitheiser is the Development and Fundraising Director at the Bend Endurance Academy and is dedicated to raising funds that help allow local youth experience outdoor sports while directly involving the Bend community. Ann enjoys bringing the Bend Bike Swap to life each year. At BEA, we are incredibly grateful for her community outreach and ability to build partnerships with the local business community to help grow events like the Bend Bike Swap.
Everyone is welcome at the Bend Bike Swap, whether you are searching for your very first bike or you are a seasoned biker looking to upgrade your arsenal. We have a diverse group of volunteers that are there to assist your search.
Professional mechanics, local bike shop employees, and avid cyclists will be staged across the entire swap to provide any and all customer service. Additionally, we offer an outdoor testing area located at the center of the swap where you can get technical assistance and test different bikes. This event could not happen with the help of so many volunteers!
We are always excited to welcome new volunteers to help with the Bend Bike Swap. We want to offer a diverse and passionate team of volunteers so we are able to accommodate all of the community’s needs. If you choose to volunteer, you will be able to attend a VIP preview sale of the inventory before it is released to the public. Additionally, you will be able to network with other community volunteers that are experienced within the cycling world as well as other outdoor sports enthusiasts.
The Bend Bike Swap is a critical fundraiser for the Bend Endurance Academy as funds raised help provide tuition assistance to families needing support. We strive to keep program fees consistent from year-to-year in order to continue providing access to outdoor activities for all kids! Additionally, the Bend Endurance Academy offers other scholarships like the She Can Scholarship, the Kurtz Nordic Scholarship Fund, the Taye Nakamura Memorial Scholarship and the General Tuition Assistance Fund that help aid tuition payments, event registration or team travel expenses.
“Well executed fundraisers are critical to BEA, they help us offset the program costs so we can keep tuition accessible and affordable,” said Mike Rougeux. “The Bend Bike Swap helps reinvest in infrastructure, especially transportation. We are able to pick up athletes from school, take them to the trailhead or take them to events.”
The event is supported by the following local and long-term sponsors. Mcglone Properties, Family Choice Urgent Care, Cascade Rack, Dr. Todd Schock, Thump Coffee Roasters, Hydroflask, Taylor NW, Source Weekly, Wholesome Media Agency and Tru Northwest Exchange all go the extra mile to support this community event. Without their support and belief in our mission, events like this would not be possible.
Due to COVID-19, the 2020 Bend Bike Swap was canceled for obvious health and safety concerns. This year, we are hosting the event while reducing these concerns as much as possible, so there will be no in-person item registration. All item registrations will be held online starting March 1 through April 17. You can visit the Bend Bike Swap website at bikeswapbend.com/register-my-items for item registration and more information.
After online item registration you’ll be contacted with information regarding when to pick up tags and instructions for item check-in happening Friday, April 23, 2021 from 10:30am to 4pm. You are able to register all biking items except for used helmets, and items that are too worn out or broken. Join us for the big sale on Saturday, April 24, 2021 from 10:30am to 4pm. If your item is not sold on Saturday, you will be able to pick up your item on Sunday, April 25, 2021 from 10am to Noon. If your item is not picked up by Noon on Sunday, we will consider the item a donation to the Bend Endurance Academy. You can choose in advance to donate your item to BEA if it does not sell. We’ll find a home for it!
The Bend Endurance Academy receives a consignment fee of 22 percent on each item sold and a maximum fee of $320 on items priced $1,500 or more. Payment, less the commission, will be provided to the Consigner within 14 days of sale by mail only.
If you have an item you’d like to donate to the academy to sell at the swap, get in touch with us and we can make special arrangements. One hundred percent of the proceeds from donated items sold at the event go directly to the Bend Endurance Academy.
We ask that all volunteers and attendees wear masks while at the event. Safety precautions and social distancing will follow current Deschutes County guidelines. Remember to bring your helmet if you plan to test ride a bike at the swap.
For more information about the Bend Bike Swap please visit bikeswapbend.com or contact Ann Leitheiser at ann@bendenduranceacademy.org.
About Bend Endurance Academy:
The Bend Endurance Academy is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization based in Central Oregon with a mission to promote healthy living through active, outdoor experiences. We emphasize teamwork, inclusion, personal growth, and community responsibility.
Founded in 2009, the Bend Endurance Academy currently features development programs for youth and juniors in Rock Climbing, Cycling, and Nordic Skiing. In 2019, more than 900 people participated in our programs and participants ranged in age from 4-74 years of age.
The Academy operates in the Deschutes National Forest under a Special Use Permit from the U.S. Forest Service and in partnership with the Bend Rock Gym, Meissner Nordic and many local businesses.
For more information, please visit bendenduranceacademy.org.
The Bend Endurance Academy promotes healthy living through active, outdoor experiences. All programs offered emphasize teamwork, inclusion, personal growth, and community responsibility.
A world with active, inspired and more engaged people.
Donating money to the Academy is a great way to support our mission and vision. Our programs charge tuition but we do not turn children away because of what they can afford. We run a very lean company with low overhead and use our resources efficiently. Business sponsorships, fundraisers and events are important for our success, but it is still individual donors — our families — who give the most!
Individuals: Individuals may make tax-deductible donations because we are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. We also accept gear donations like bicycles, skis and other sport equipment that we use as loaners or provide to kids in need.
Businesses: Businesses may sponsor the Academy, our vans, uniforms or one of our events.
Special thanks to all of our sponsors!