Better Together, a regional, cross-sector partnership focused on improving outcomes for children and youth, is excited to announce the launch of a new partnership with City Club of Central Oregon to provide an avenue for youth voice in our region.
City Club and Better Together will blend their respective strengths to bring impactful and relevant conversation to the region. At four City Club style breakfast forums over the next year, high school student panels will bring a new generation’s perspective as they discuss vital topics ranging from career development to mental health.
“We are thrilled to partner with City Club for this exciting series of student panels. Youth voice is essential to a truly equitable community, and what better partnership than with City Club of Central Oregon to bring these conversations to the region.” said Better Together Project Manager Shelley Irwin.
Ensuring youth have an equitable seat at the table where community leaders are discussing and making policy decisions is a primary focus of this collaboration. Research is clear that engaging stakeholders in the creation of solutions brings better outcomes, more committed and informed residents as well as fresh, innovative solutions to tough public issues. Youth voice is often missing in the conversation and the intentional inclusion of this missing element is key to building an even stronger Central Oregon in the years to come. Youth own these forums and will be mentored in the design of the forum and as speakers by City Club’s Program Committee.
“The partnership with Better Together aligns with a number of our organization’s goals,” said Joey Drucker, executive director of City Club of Central Oregon. “Helping to grow the next generation of civic-minded leaders in our region and to focus with other organizations on building a community by design are two that immediately come to mind. And with a grant from U.S. Bank, we will be able to hear from more voices in our community.”
The first Better Together/City Club youth forum will take place in November with the discussion designed in partnership with youth from our region’s school districts.