Better Together Hosts Regional Mentor Fair in Redmond, Oregon


During the mentor fair set for August 4, 11am-1:30pm at Ridgeview High School, youth will engage in training that communicates the value of mentorship, have the opportunity to learn more about each attending organization, as well as make a connection with the mentoring services available.

The transition from 8th to 9th grade is one of the most vulnerable periods in a student’s academic career. Research consistently demonstrates the positive impact of mentorship on long-term student success. In Better Together’s commitment to using evidence-based practices to serve young people, we are hosting a mentor fair to link the over 200 youth in our 8 partner summer programs to a mentor by the time they enter high school.

Better Together is a regional, cross sector partnership working to maximize positive outcomes for young people in central Oregon from Cradle to Career. One of our focused efforts is to ensure that every 9th grade student in the region is paired with a supportive adult mentor. This effort starts by linking mentors with students served by our partner summer programs throughout the region.

The Mentor Fair on August 4 will include the following partners of the Better Together:
Those providing summer programming for youth include: The Boys & Girls Clubs of Bend, The Boys & Girls Clubs of Redmond/Terrebonne, Camp Fire Central Oregon, Juntos, Iron Chef-OSU extension, and Crook County Kids Club. Those linking youth with a mentor: Big Brothers Big Sisters and ASPIRE.

This is a fantastic opportunity for these students to enter 9th grade with the support of a caring adult mentor, a relationship that significantly increases the likelihood of high school graduation and entry into a meaningful career.

Thomas Arand
Americorps VISTA at Better Together


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