Don’t be let down this Valentine’s Day with unrealistic expectations for a romantic evening with hearts, flowers and chocolate. Scrap your hopes of being swept away by romance and stop by your local branch library for your yearly Blind Date With A Book. Instead of feeling bitter about another Valentine’s Day alone, you can curl up with a book, hand-picked for you by Deschutes Public Library staff.
This year on Saturday, February 13, and Sunday, February 14,when you stop by your local branch library you’ll find a display of books wrapped in paper. Pick the one that looks good to you, check it out, and take it home. Beneath the wrapper you’ll discover a book handpicked by our staff. The blind date books won’t disappoint you, let you down, or break your heart (unless you happen to have picked a tear jerker). So this Valentine’s Day, skip watching the romanticcomedy and ordering take out. Head to your branch library and let Deschutes Public Library set you up on a blind date with a book.
For more information about this or other library services, please visit the library website at
The Deschutes Public Library, located in the high desert of Central Oregon, is ranked as the 5th Best Non-Profit to work for in Oregon. The Library serves more than 160,000 Deschutes County residents through libraries in Bend, La Pine, Redmond, Sisters, and Sunriver. Outreach services to senior centers, day care providers, and homebound residents are an integral part of the Library. The Library’s website provides access to hundreds of resources, magazine articles, downloadable books, and more from the comfort of home and work. And, the Library offers free and dynamic cultural programming for all ages to enrich our daily experience and encourage all residents to Know More.