Business Opportunity with ODOT


Oregon Department of Transportation Region 4 Emerging Small Business Registration Event

ODOT is bringing the Certification Office for Business Inclusion and Diversity (COBID) for Emerging Small Business Open House to Bend. ODOT is committed to facilitating and promoting the success of the Emerging Small Business (ESB) Program. The biennial budget for Central Oregon is $1-2 million. This special event is an opportunity for small businesses to get their foot in the door as an ODOT partner; working to provide a safe and reliable multi-modal transportation system that connects people and helps Oregon communities and economies thrive.

The event is scheduled for December 3 between 4-7pm. The event location is ODOT Region 4, Project Delivery Building M, Diamond & Crater Lake Rooms, 63055 N Highway 97 Bend, OR 97703.

Join and work with us!

Sign up to be a qulaified ESB Contractor. Meet your ODOT partners. Bring your questions and get answers.

Here are some of the requirements to become an ESB Contractor:
-U.S. Citizen
-Register with the Secretary of State
-Be a for profit, Oregon business
-Have the proper professional licenses
-Control/manage day-to-day operations


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