Car Shipping Tips to Help Businesses Manage Their Fleets


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Managing a fleet of vehicles can be a daunting task, particularly when you must consider the complexities involved in shipping those vehicles from one location to another. With changing customer demands, market conditions, and even new regulations, getting vehicles to the right place at the right time becomes an indispensable part of ensuring your business thrives. Whether you’re a car dealership or a service-based business, having an efficient car shipping strategy is vital. This article delves into various tips and strategies that can significantly ease the process of shipping your business’s fleet.

Evaluating Your Fleet Shipping Needs

When it comes to managing a business fleet, understanding your specific shipping needs is the cornerstone of an effective strategy. The type of vehicles you’re shipping, their dimensions, and the final destinations all play a role in determining the best shipping method for you. Furthermore, this insight helps to gauge whether to go for open or enclosed transport, or even specialized shipping for custom vehicles.

Your timeline also has a significant impact on your shipping needs. Certain seasons, like winter and summer, are peak times for vehicle shipping, affecting availability and cost. Planning your shipments around these seasons can save you both time and money, while also ensuring you meet any deadlines or commitments.

Choosing the right car shipping company can be a critical decision in managing your fleet efficiently. It’s essential to pick a company that can meet your specific needs, ranging from vehicle type to delivery windows. Partnering with a reliable shipping company not only ensures that your fleet reaches its destination in mint condition but also alleviates the burden of dealing with the shipping process in-house.

In the realm of automotive dealerships, having a car shipping company as a partner can be a massive asset. Whether it’s new inventory from the manufacturer or transferring vehicles between locations, a reliable shipping partner can streamline the process. A good partnership can even extend to benefits such as discounted rates or priority shipping, which ultimately helps you offer a better service to your customers.

If you’re running a service company with a fleet, a shipping partner is equally important. For instance, you may need to send several service vans to a disaster-struck area quickly. A shipping partner familiar with your fleet can make this a smooth process, letting you focus on providing critical services rather than fretting over transportation logistics.

Payment options and insurance coverage are other important factors to consider. While some shipping companies may require upfront payments, others might offer payment plans. Additionally, ensure that the shipping company provides sufficient insurance coverage to protect against potential damage or loss during transit.

Another important aspect is evaluating the communication channels provided by the shipping company. Will you be able to reach them in case of an emergency or last-minute change? Open, reliable communication can save you from many headaches down the line.

Tips to Facilitate Car Shipping When Upgrading and Upfitting Your Company Vehicles

Upfitting your company’s vehicles is a must when it comes to improving your company’s technologies, efficiency, and marketing strategies. Upfitting can take a regular looking cargo van and transform it into a powerful machine that enables your technicians and drivers the tools to get their jobs done.

According to Basin Upfitting, one of the commercial van upfitters available to businesses like yours, “While your truck is being upfitted we can also customize a wrap design to turn your daily driving into a rolling advertisement.”

Upgrading or upfitting your vehicles can pose a unique set of challenges when it comes to shipping. Start by making sure your vehicles are ready for transport. Remove all personal belongings and perform a thorough inspection for existing damages. This serves as a record, so any new damages that occur during shipping can be easily identified.

Preparing a checklist for the upgrade and upfitting needs can facilitate the shipping process significantly. If there are special requirements for the vehicle upon arrival, like installation of specific equipment, having a list ready can help the shipping company make necessary preparations. It also allows you to better coordinate with any third-party vendors involved in the upfitting process.

Shipping an upgraded or upfit vehicle may also necessitate special accommodations. For instance, an upfitted service van with a ladder rack may no longer fit on a standard open transport trailer. Hence, communicating these details to your shipping company in advance can save you from last-minute issues.

Depending on the nature and scope of the upgrades, you might consider doing them post-shipment. If you’re buying new vehicles, some dealerships offer upfitting services before shipping, making it a one-step process. However, this should be weighed against the quality and cost of services offered by local vendors near the final destination.

When shipping vehicles that have been upfitted with expensive equipment, additional insurance coverage becomes more critical. Many standard shipping insurance policies might not cover aftermarket additions. Make sure to discuss this in detail with your shipping company and, if necessary, consider purchasing additional coverage.

Timely and accurate communication with all parties involved is crucial. Make sure that your shipping company is aware of the upgrades or upfits, as it could affect both the cost and method of shipping. Likewise, ensure that whoever is receiving the vehicle knows what to expect and is prepared to inspect the vehicle upon arrival.

Tracking and Monitoring Shipments in Real-Time: Temporary vs Permanent Tracking Solutions

With advancements in technology, tracking and monitoring your fleet during shipping has become increasingly convenient and accurate. Real-time tracking solutions offer you peace of mind by letting you know exactly where your vehicles are at any given moment. However, these solutions can be divided into two main categories: temporary and permanent.

Temporary tracking solutions are generally less expensive and involve less commitment. These are often simple GPS devices that can be placed in the vehicle before shipment and removed upon arrival. They provide basic real-time tracking and are ideal for one-off shipping requirements where long-term tracking is not necessary.

On the other hand, permanent tracking solutions are integrated into the vehicle’s system and offer a more comprehensive range of features, such as telematics data and geofencing capabilities. These systems are more suitable for businesses that have regular shipping needs or want to monitor the behavior and usage of their vehicles beyond just their location.

While both tracking solutions offer their unique advantages, they also have some limitations. Temporary solutions may not provide detailed information or might have less reliable connectivity. Permanent solutions, although more accurate and feature-rich, come with the added cost of installation and ongoing subscription fees.

Businesses need to evaluate the level of detail they require from their tracking systems and balance that against their budget constraints. For companies that only need to ship vehicles occasionally, investing in a permanent tracking solution might be overkill. On the other hand, if you have a large fleet that is constantly on the move, the investment in a permanent solution could very well pay off in the long run.

Choosing between temporary and permanent tracking solutions also depends on the kind of vehicles in your fleet. Luxury vehicles, custom vehicles, or those with expensive equipment may warrant the investment in a permanent, more secure tracking system. More standard vehicles, or those that are not being shipped as frequently, may find temporary tracking solutions to be more than adequate.

With so many options to explore, it’s important to consider some of the following points when upgrading your company vehicles:

  • Evaluate the cost-benefit ratio of upgrades versus potential returns.
  • Determine the insurance implications of adding aftermarket parts or upfitting.
  • Consider whether the upgrades need to be done before or after shipping.
  • Establish a clear line of communication with both the shipping company and the upfitting vendor.
  • Account for any extra time needed for upfitting when planning your shipping timeline.

Scheduling Your Vehicle Shipments Wisely for Maximum Savings

One of the hidden gems of efficient fleet management is the strategic scheduling of your vehicle shipments. Instead of shipping your vehicles whenever they are ready, try to consolidate shipments to take advantage of bulk rates. Many shipping companies offer significant discounts for shipping multiple vehicles at once, which can result in substantial savings.

However, while it’s tempting to push for the lowest price, it’s crucial not to compromise on quality or reliability. A delayed or botched shipment can result in far more costs in the long run, not to mention the potential impact on your business operations and customer relations. Therefore, consider not just the cost but also the reputation and reliability of your shipping partner.

Understanding shipping zones can also contribute to cost efficiency. Shipping companies often divide regions into zones and price their services accordingly. If possible, shipping to a central hub and then distributing the vehicles locally can sometimes be a more economical approach than shipping directly to multiple, far-flung locations.

Timing is another important factor. As mentioned earlier, peak seasons can drive up costs and reduce availability. However, these peak seasons can vary depending on the shipping routes. Doing some research or consulting with your shipping company can help you identify the most cost-effective times to schedule your shipments.

Another strategic approach is to have flexible delivery windows. If your shipment isn’t time-sensitive, offering a flexible timeframe for delivery can help shipping companies optimize their routes, which often results in reduced costs for you. This, of course, needs to be balanced against the operational needs of your business.

A Few Company Fleet Management Hacks

Effective fleet management goes beyond just shipping your vehicles; it involves a range of practices that can make your operations more efficient and cost-effective. Utilizing a centralized management system can go a long way. Instead of having multiple platforms for different aspects like vehicle tracking, maintenance records, and shipping schedules, consider consolidating them into a single, comprehensive system. This not only streamlines the process but also reduces the chances of errors.

Additionally, preventative maintenance can be a lifesaver. Regularly servicing your fleet vehicles can help identify and fix issues before they turn into costly repairs or, worse, result in downtime. A vehicle that’s in the shop is not on the road, which directly impacts your business’s ability to function effectively.

Employee training shouldn’t be overlooked. The people who drive your fleet vehicles are just as important as the vehicles themselves. Regular training sessions on safe driving practices and efficient vehicle use can lead to lower accident rates and fuel costs. Some companies also offer incentives for safe driving, which can be a win-win situation for both employer and employee.

Utilize data analytics to your advantage. Most modern fleet management systems offer a wealth of data that can be analyzed for trends and insights. Whether it’s fuel consumption patterns or frequent maintenance issues, having a data-driven approach can guide you in making informed decisions.

Consider sustainability initiatives. Switching to electric vehicles or hybrids can not only lower your operating costs in the long run but also make your business more attractive to environmentally-conscious consumers. Even small changes, like optimizing routes to reduce fuel consumption, can have a significant impact.

When it comes to designing a company fleet management strategy, make sure to include the following in your plan:

  • A comprehensive maintenance schedule.
  • Employee training and incentive programs.
  • An efficient and centralized management system.
  • Data analytics tools to monitor and optimize fleet performance.
  • Sustainability initiatives, such as transitioning to electric vehicles or optimizing routes for fuel efficiency.

Managing a company’s fleet involves numerous facets, each with its own set of challenges and opportunities. From choosing the right shipping partner to effectively scheduling your shipments, every decision contributes to how well your fleet serves the needs of your business. Real-time tracking solutions, strategic planning, and even implementing some fleet management hacks can make the complex task of fleet management significantly more manageable. As we’ve seen, when it comes to effectively managing your fleet, a comprehensive, well-thought-out approach can save both time and money while ensuring that your business operates at its best.


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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