Cascade Relays Foundation Invites Charity Partner Applications for Summer Events 


The Foundation Provides Annual Grants of $65,000 to Local Charities & Organizations through their Volunteer Partner Program

The Cascade Relays Foundation is inviting community groups, school groups, sports teams and nonprofits to apply to become an official grant group to raise funds for your organization. The Bend Beer Chase and Cascade Lakes Relay are two of Central Oregon’s largest and most exciting sporting events. The Foundation is currently accepting applications for charity panthers to ensure safe and successful events and want your organization to benefit from these amazing community events. Making a positive impact in Central Oregon is one of the foundation’s most valuable missions.

Every year, Cascade Relays Foundation provides grants in support of local charities and organizations and awards annual grants of $65,000 per year, surpassing $500,000 in grants since its founding in 2008. The charity partnership program supports local nonprofits, school groups and community organizations such as Healing Reins, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Boys & Girls Club and many more, with funding to support their cause. Cascade Relays also provides pro-bono support and free equipment for several local nonprofit events throughout the year, including the I Like Pie run on Thanksgiving morning.

Being a Foundation Charity Partner provides a fun and easy opportunity to raise significant funds for organizations while playing a critical role in the Hire A Volunteer program. As a Charity Partner, participating organizations find supporters to volunteer at the event on behalf of the charity/community group. Each volunteer generates funds for their respective organization. Grant amounts are based on the total number of volunteer hours provided by each organization.

All local organizations are invited to participate, and we accept organizations providing as few as five and as many volunteers your organization can provide. There are also many other opportunities for fundraising during the races i.e., selling snacks along the courses. All ideas are welcome.

Apply to be a Charity Partner:

“Without the amazing support of our charity partners, Cascade Relays events would not be possible. One of our missions each year is to grant local nonprofit organizations significant grants as a reward for their charity partnerships. We are so thankful to partners and support our local organizations and their causes,” said Scott Douglass, founder of Cascade Relays Foundation and Cascade Relays. • 541-350-4635


About Author

Founded in 1994 by the late Pamela Hulse Andrews, Cascade Business News (CBN) became Central Oregon’s premier business publication. •

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