Championing Our Youth & a Resilient Future


(Rendering | Courtesy of Gonzalez Architectural Rendering)

As 2019 came to a close, we had plenty to reflect upon. Our younger generations and generations to follow will inherit a planet and technological landscape that will have a much different look and feel from what we see today. It is truly amazing that the sustainable action voiced by Generation Z has been relatively unheard by our world leaders, and communities as a whole. Opportunities to implement innovative and sustainable measures into our built environment are of paramount importance.

As an architect and as an individual, I have been sustainably minded from an early age and have championed sustainable, efficient and conservation measures in my life and in my practice of architecture. Responsibilities have included advancing a wide range of LEED, sustainable, innovative and high-technological projects while practicing in the Pacific Northwest. LEED is the United States Green Building Council [USGBC] green building rating system, and stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Currently, Ultra is designing a Net Zero Energy / Water and Carbon Neutral residence here in Bend. Net Zero is defined as, the total amount of energy/water used by the building on an annual basis is equal to the amount of renewable energy created or water collected on the site.

I am not advocating to have all buildings LEED certified; however, I am advocating sustainability, efficiency and effectiveness in our built environment. Early in the design phase, all of Ultra Architecture’s projects undergo what is called an Eco-Charrette, which is an interactive brainstorming and team-building exercise that generates and targets sustainability goals for that project. These targets are then implemented into the design process so the entire team has clear direction; and these brainstorming costs are typically offset by available financial incentives. Recent project targets have included an efficient building envelope, acoustical attenuation, energy and water efficiency. A current client is advancing their project with a large solar panel rooftop array, utilizing renewable energy to help offset increasing energy costs and ultimately take pressure off non-renewable energy and carbon intensive practices.

Sustainable architecture is Ultra’s contribution in offsetting the ill effects contributing to climate change. I personally do it for a multitude of reasons; one of the biggest is my daughter, GG, who has developed into a sustainable leader in her Bend Senior High Environment Club and within our community. She will start to see and feel these rapid effects… what will her children, and their children, experience? Championing the creativity behind finding unique sustainable measures for each project is a passion; who knew that a beautifully landscaped stormwater swale could perform double duty at containing impervious stormwater run-off and a security buffer for a government building; or that installing roof skylights over existing roof joists could act as light baffles to reduce glare for an adaptive reuse office building? Design professionals are in an excellent position to find opportunities for similar sustainable features for their clients. They can be beautiful, efficient and cost-effective with an open line of communication between the design team and the client.

In architecture, Energy, Water and Carbon Efficient Buildings are an excellent path forward in curbing our reliance on fossil fuels and emitting carbon into our atmosphere. These effective buildings are the ultimate goal in gaining control in our efforts to reverse the adverse effects on our environment. Smaller building footprints in a denser urban environment support smart and efficient growth. I would love to see these and other measures implemented now in support of our children’s unheard voices.

The Millennial and Gen-Z Generations are committed to implementing Sustainable Development Goals [SDG’s], including climate change, equity, justice and prosperity. Their preferences already support equity and sustainability, supported by knowledgeable and sustainable consumption rates making their SDG targets obtainable. If it is important to our children and their children, then why is it not important to us; especially while we have the opportunity and the knowledge — we know our destructive role in impacting the environment and that we can do better, so what’s stopping us from incorporating and advancing resiliency practices so our future generations may live similar lifestyles and share the experiences that we currently have. Whether you believe in the reality of climate change or not; I feel there is a great opportunity for an informed society to partner with professionals as stewards reducing, reusing and conserving while creating the spaces we love and aspire to have.

RJ Johnson, principal of Ultra Architecture, has been balancing his architectural chi for 25+ years, overseeing super-cool, large-scale projects on one side, with intimate projects on the other, and most everything else between. He has a great head for the details, an eye for the aesthetic and a passion for a sustained built environment. Ultra is a full-service architectural firm; for RJ, residential mixed-use urban infill and adaptive reuse are beautiful things. He can be reached at 541-419-6183 or


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