The Bend Police Department will begin enforcing a recent amendment to Bend Code that reduces the number of days a vehicle may park on the public-right-of-way from five calendar days to three business days.
The change is intended to promote parking turnover, shorten the time between when a vehicle is reported as being illegally parked and when the vehicle is towed and align with the Police Department’s enforcement capacity.
Vehicles parked illegally on the public right-of-way for more than three business days are subject to citation and towing through a complaint-driven process. Community members can report illegally parked vehicles through a parking complaint.
Volunteers from the Police Department respond to complaints when they are received. When a volunteer makes contact with a reported vehicle, the volunteer marks the vehicle tire with chalk and documents its location. Three business days later, a volunteer returns to the marked vehicle. If it has not been moved, the vehicle is towed.
Community members can file a parking complaint online at Paper complaint forms are available at the Police Department, located at 555 Northeast 15th Street, Bend. Illegally parked vehicles may also be reported by calling 541-312-7972.
Complaints received prior to July 30, 2019, must be resubmitted, if the vehicle is still illegally parked, to ensure they are accurately recorded and resolved in compliance with the new regulations.
For questions related to these changes, contact Bend Police Community Liaison Misha Knea at 541-322-2976 or